Fowler School of Law Receives Special Recognition from Consulate of Mexico at Labor Rights Event

August 30, 2017 by | General News

Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law hosted the Consulate of Mexico’s annual Labor Rights Week Kickoff on Saturday. The event is a collaborative effort between the Mexican Consulate and the United States Department of Labor, United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, National Labor Relations Board, and other labor organizations which strive to increase


Fowler School of Law’s New First Year Class Gears Up for Law School and the Legal Profession During Four-Day Launch Week

August 18, 2017 by | General News

One hundred and sixty-seven new students began their law school careers this week at Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law. The school’s Launch Week provided a comprehensive four-day orientation to familiarize students with law school life and prepare them for the substantive, procedural, and professional aspects of their legal education. After the students

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