Professor Rosenthal Quoted on Samueli Trial

June 27, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Larry Rosenthal was quoted in an article in Orange County Business Journal, entitled “Samueli: May Get Past Guilty Plea,” which reported on the plea deal of Orange County businessman and philanthropist Henry Samueli. “This looks like he got an extremely favorable disposition,” Professor Rosenthal said. “Either they couldn’t get enough on him or he


Professor Rosenthal Quoted on Second Amendment

June 27, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Larry Rosenthal was quoted in an article in Chicago Sun Times, entitled “Daley rips gun ban double standard — Daley warns court decision on gun bans has ‘changed the rules’ for police.” Professor Rosenthal, Chicago’s former deputy corporation counsel, said the decision to overturn Washington, D.C.’s gun law “imperils both flat handgun bans and bans


Alumnus Quoted in Washington Post

June 27, 2008 by | Alumni

Law school alumnus, Mark D. Schopper (’02), was quoted on June 11, 2008 in a Washington Post article entitled “Anti-Child-Porn Tactic Criticized: Thwarting Payments Makes Users Hard to Track, Report Says.” Of note, while in law school, Mark wrote an article for the Chapman Law Review on digital currency that took on a life of


Professor Rotunda Publishes Op-Eds

June 23, 2008 by | Faculty

An op-ed by Professor Kyndra Rotunda, entitled “Don’t Close Gitmo,” was published in the Washington Times.  In the piece, Professor Rotunda stated, “The United States should follow the Geneva Conventions by keeping Gitmo open and holding detainees there until the end of the war.  It isn’t just what the law requires – it is the


Professor Rotunda Quoted on Fox News

June 23, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Kyndra Rotunda was quoted on the Brit Hume “Political Grapevine” segment of Fox News where Hume mentioned her objection to the recent Supreme Court decision, Boumediene, saying that the former Army prosecutor agrees with Justice Scalia that the Supreme Court’s ruling will lead to more American deaths on the battlefield. Watch segment…


OC Register Interviews Professor Eggert

June 21, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Kurt Eggert was interviewed in an extensive Q & A today in a story entitled “Subprime and punishment” in the Orange County Register.  Professor Eggert addressed the indictments of former Bear Stearns hedge fund managers Ralph Cioffi and Matthew Tannin. Read story…


Dean Eastman Appeared on PBS

June 18, 2008 by | Faculty

Dean John C. Eastman appeared on the nationally syndicated PBS news show Newshour to discuss the recent California same-sex marriage opinion. Learn more…


Wall Street Journal Quotes Professor Eggert

June 17, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Kurt Eggert was quoted in the Wall Street Journal in a story entitled “More Loan Forgiveness Sought” about the tax implications of the “loan forgiveness” that comes with foreclosures, short sales and loan modifications for troubled loans.  In the piece, Professor Eggert stated: “A double whammy for many in the current housing market is


Professor Hall Published Op-Ed on Cambodia

June 17, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor John Hall‘s op-ed piece entitled “Cambodian Refugees a Grim Example of Washington’s Neglect” appeared in today’s Los Angeles Daily Journal.  The piece documents Professor Hall’s involvement with Dodge Film School Professor Jeff Swimmer and several Chapman students in producing a documentary film on the so called “returnees” (Cambodians who have been recently deported from

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