Professor Darmer Quoted in Several Articles

February 14, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Katherine Darmer was quoted in several articles on this date relating to the Roger Clemens steroids story: “Could Roger Be Charged With Perjury? Legal Experts Debate Whether Federal Prosecutors Will Indict Clemens” at abcnews.com (read article…); “Waxman has options but won’t commit on Clemens” in The Los Angeles Times (read article…); “A loss for


Chapman Law Review Hosted Symposium

February 8, 2008 by | General News

On February 8, the Chapman Law Review hosted The 10th Annual Chapman Law Review Symposium, “Publicity Rights in Bytes.” The much-anticipated event lived up to its advance billing and was a great success. Learn more…


3L Argues Case to Court of Appeals

February 1, 2008 by | Student Life

3L student Rob Webster recently argued a case to the Ninth Circuit Court Of Appeals.  One of the judges before whom Rob argued complemented both Rob and Chapman Law School on Rob’s great performance.  An appellate litigator from the Federal Public Defender’s Office likewise complemented Rob’s performance, as did several Ninth Circuit staff attorneys.  Way


Elder Law Center Achieves Great Result for Client

January 30, 2008 by | Student Life

3L student Jack Styskal and the Alona Cortese Elder Law Center achieved a great result on behalf of a client during the week of January 28. The center’s client obtained a conservatorship over her adult, developmentally challenged daughter, allowing the client to determine medical care and housing arrangements for her daughter.  Jack prepared the conservatorship


Harvard Publishes Professor Noyes' Article

January 11, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Henry Noyes’ most recent article “Good Cause Is Bad Medicine For the New E-Discovery Rules” was published in the Harvard Journal of Law & Technology in December 2007.  It may be downloaded here.

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