Professor Ernst Publishes “Patent Exhaustion for the Exhausted Defendant: Should Parties Be Able to Contract Around Exhaustion in Settling Patent Litigation?”
Professor Samuel Ernst’s article “Patent Exhaustion for the Exhausted Defendant: Should Parties Be Able to Contract Around Exhaustion in Settling Patent Litigation?” was recently published in University of Illinois Journal of Law, Technology & Polic y (Volume 2014, Issue 2, 2014). Excerpt from the abstract: “The first sale doctrine provides that when a patent
A Brief Note about My Return Trip to Ghana
Chapman University permits me to continue my teaching in Africa, which I have been able to do every other year for the last fourteen years. I have taught at the School of Banking and Finance in Rwanda, the Kigali Institute of Science and Technology in Rwanda, the University of Asmara in Eritrea (twice), and Ashesi
Top 10 List: How to Survive the 1L Year of Law School
Written by Jennifer Tran, third year student at Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law New law students often wonder if it’s possible to survive this thing called the 1L year of law school. Be assured, most will survive. As a current 3L student at Chapman University’s Fowler School of Law, I realize
Alumni Highlights – January 2015
Are you an alumni? Have you recently changed firms, been promoted, published or made partner and would like to be featured in the next online edition of Alumni Highlights? Submit a class note! Richard E. Quintilone II (JD ’98) and Alis M. Rabet (JD ’13) of Quintilone & Associates succeeded in obtaining a $2.5 million judgment in
How My Summer Internship in Cambodia Challenged My Character
Working with Legal Support for Children and Women (LSCW) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia this past summer has been a great learning experience. I always had a passion to fight human trafficking, but felt like I couldn’t offer much to help. However, my coworkers during the two months in Cambodia changed my mindset and really challenged
Fowler Law Faculty Meets to Celebrate the Publication of Three New Books
The Chapman University Fowler School of Law faculty Committee on Teaching Effectiveness and Scholarship (COTES) recently hosted two events to celebrate the publication of new books by three members of the Fowler Law faculty. On November 20, 2014, the faculty members gathered to celebrate Professor Michael Bazyler and his new book Forgotten Trials of
Professor John Eastman Featured in “The American Mind” Interview Series
Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law Professor John C. Eastman was recently featured in a four-part video interview series on The American Mind with Charles R. Kesler . The series includes Dr. Eastman discussing the following topics: The Disappearing Constitution: What Should Law School Teach? Natural Law & the Conservatives
Professor Michael Bazyler Visits Holocaust Sites while Teaching Law Courses in Nuremberg, Germany
During the summer of 2014, Professor Michael J. Bazyler taught in the study abroad program “ From Nuremberg to the Hague ” (“N2H”) in Nuremberg, Germany. The program allows students to learn firsthand about the Holocaust in the Bavarian city that hosted the Nazi war crimes trials after World War II – the location considered
Generous $1 Million Donation & Dedication of the Fritzie G. Williams Lecture Hall
This fall, Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law celebrated the naming of the Fritzie G. Williams Lecture Hall in honor of Fritzie Williams and her continued generosity to the law school. Fritzie recently donated $1 million in support of the Fowler School of Law. Fritzie has been a supporter of
Dean Melanie Wilson Discusses the Moral Impediment to Justice at Latest Dialogue Event
On Thursday, November 13, 2014, Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law welcomed Melanie D. Wilson, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor of Law at the University of Kansas School of Law (recently named the new dean of University of Tennessee College of Law ). Dean Wilson presented her talk, “The Moral Impediment