Professor Bell Sings on Copyright

April 30, 2010 by | Faculty

Keynote speaker Professor Tom Bell discussed and even sang about the first amendment, copyright and “unoriginal speech” at the Liberty Tree Conference on Censorship hosted at Cal State Fullerton. “The problem with copyright is that the rights of users get smaller and smaller,” Bell said at the Conference. Read about it here.


Chapman Students Land Internships in Cambodia

April 25, 2010 by | Student Life

Chapman Law students Katrina Jaffe, a second-year student, and Julie Anne Ines, a first-year student, have been offered summer internships with the Open Society Justice Initiative in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Jaffe will be working primarily on issues relating to the Khmer Rouge tribunal, and Ines will be working on a media rights project. They are


Dean Canova Expresses Concerns About Wall Street Legislation

April 23, 2010 by | Faculty

Dean Timothy Canova joined with former Labor Secretary Robert Reich and a collection of former economic regulators and experts in an open letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), outlining concerns about the proposed legislation to address Wall Street’s problems. Get more information on the letter and


Professor Caso Makes Radio Appearance

April 19, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Tim Caso, who is also the director of the Claremont Institute’s Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence, was featured on a recent episode of 89.3 KPCC, Air Talk discussing the constitutionality of public universities denying funds to student organizations that limit membership based on shared beliefs.  Listen to the segment here.


Chapman Alumnus Seeks Nomination for Lieutenant Governor

April 15, 2010 by | Alumni

Chapman Law alumnus and law school Advisory Board member Scott Levitt is seeking the Republican nomination to be California’s next Lieutenant Governor. Levitt graduated from the law school a semester early in 2003 with an emphasis in Real Estate, Land Use, and Environmental Law, and returned several years later to pursue a Masters in Law


Professor Rotunda Publishes Opinion on Citizens United

April 14, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Ronald Rotunda published an opinion article in the Washington Examiner on the First Amendment and the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. “President Obama specifically criticized the Supreme Court justices in his State of the Union address. If he knew what the Government’s lawyers were arguing, he might have a


Article Profiles Professor Campbell's Campaign for Senate Seat

April 12, 2010 by | Faculty

The Sacramento Bee profiled Professor Tom Campbell and characterized his current campaign for a seat on the Senate as one distinguished by politeness. “‘He’s no put-on, he’s no phony, he’s the real deal,’ said H. Faye Lawson, who worked with Campbell at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, where Campbell was dean.” Read the article…


Chapman Student Publishes Article on Tax

April 8, 2010 by | Faculty

Chapman Law third-year student Habib Hanna had his article on IRC 104(a)(2) “Heads I Win, Tails You Lose: The Disparate Treatment of Similarly Situated Taxpayers Under the Personal Injury Income Tax Exclusion” published in the new edition of the Chapman Law Review, and highlighted in the TaxProf Blog. Read the TaxProf Blog entry here.


Professor Rotunda Named Best Lawyer

April 3, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Ronald Rotunda was recently named as one of Southern California’s Best Lawyers in the 2010 edition of Southern California’s Best Lawyers magazine published by the Los Angeles Times, Best Lawyers, and American Lawyer Media. View a version of the PDF…

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