15 posts tagged



Wall Street Journal Publishes Professor Hall’s Op-Ed

July 16, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor John Hall’s op-ed piece entitled “A Tribunal Worth Paying For” appeared in the Asia editions of the Wall Street Journal in his continuing high-impact commentary on the Khmer Rouge Tribunal proceedings.  In the piece, Professor Hall stated, “The U.S. was instrumental in negotiating the creation of this tribunal 10 years ago, and has all

Professor Hall Published Op-Ed on Cambodia

June 17, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor John Hall‘s op-ed piece entitled “Cambodian Refugees a Grim Example of Washington’s Neglect” appeared in today’s Los Angeles Daily Journal.  The piece documents Professor Hall’s involvement with Dodge Film School Professor Jeff Swimmer and several Chapman students in producing a documentary film on the so called “returnees” (Cambodians who have been recently deported from

Professor Hall to Lead Students in Cambodian Documentary

May 12, 2008 by | General News

Champman University has announced that Professor John Hall and veteran documentary filmmaker, Jeff Swimmer, will lead five students on a trip to Cambodia to develop documentaries for the Khmer Arts Academy and Tiny Toones, two arts-focused NGOs in need of assistance to create more public awareness for their work. The two-week trip will commence on

Professor Hall Speaks on Cambodia

March 29, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor John Hall presented a conference paper, “The International/Domestic Divide: the Failure of Transitional Justice in Cambodia,” at the 49th Annual International Studies Association Convention, San Francisco. Also, Professor John Hall’s op-ed piece, “Out of the Sweatshop, ” was published in the Los Angeles Daily Journal.  The piece addressed the Cambodia-US Bilateral Trade Agreement and

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