35 posts tagged



LA Times Features Article on Professor Campbell

April 9, 2009 by | Faculty

Visiting Professor Tom Campbell was featured in an article in the Los Angeles Times,  entitled “Gubernatorial candidate Tom Campbell defies political norm.”  The article covers Professor Campbell’s bid as an unconventional conservative gubernatorial candidate. In discussing his Prop.  1A views, Professor Campbell states, “I don’t like tax increases. But this is short-term pain for a

Professor Campbell Mentioned in Editorial

February 23, 2009 by | Faculty

Visiting Professor Tom Campbell was mentioned in an editorial in San Jose Mercury News, entitled “So, Whitman and Poizner, how would you have balanced the budget?” The editorial discusses recent comments by Meg Whitman and Steve Poizner, two aspiring Republican candidates for governor, regarding the California budget crisis. Whitman and Poizner commented that they would

Professor Campbell Featured in Story

February 22, 2009 by | Faculty

Visiting Professor Tom Campbell was featured in a story in the San Francisco Chronicle, entitled “Campbell’s move to Irvine may help gubernatorial run.” The article speculates that Professor Campbell’s move to Orange County may signal his preparations for a gubernatorial run in 2010. Professor Campbell joined the Chapman Law faculty in January 2009 as a

Tom Campbell Joins High-Profile Chapman Law Faculty Additions

June 13, 2008 by | General News

The Daily Journal reported on Tom Campbell’s coming to Chapman for a two year visitorship: “Campbell is the latest in a string of high-profile additions to the Chapman law faculty for next term, including economics laureate Vernon L. Smith and ethics and constitutional law textbooks author Ronald Rotunda, both coming from George Mason University School

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