43 posts tagged



Professor Canova Speaks on Federal Reserve

April 24, 2012 by | Faculty

Professor Canova presented at Claremont Colleges’ Center for Process Studies’  conference, “Money-Creation in a Finite World.”  He explained how the Federal Reserve can be governed to redirect trillions of dollars in annual benefits for Americans.  Read about it here.  Or watch it here.

Professor Canova Named to Advisory Panel

October 20, 2011 by | Faculty

Professor Timothy Canova was named to the advisory panel that will help Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders draft legislation to reform the Federal Reserve. Professor Canova, an early critic of financial deregulation, will be joined by other nationally-renowned economists, including Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz. Read about Professor Canova in the article, “Top Economists to Advise

Professor Canova Quoted on Financial Crisis

September 1, 2011 by | Faculty

A blog entitled, “North Dakota’s Economic “Miracle”-It’s Not Oil,” quoted Professor Timothy Canova. “North Dakota is the only state that has been in continuous budget surplus since before the financial crisis and it has the lowest unemployment rate in the country.” Professor Canova’s paper entitled, “The Public Option: The Case for Parallel Public Banking Institutions,”

Professor Canova Highlighted for Work

July 1, 2011 by | Faculty

Professor Tim Canova was highlighted in a piece entitled, “Canova on a Public Option in Banking,” in Concurring Opinions, which discussed his recent work, including a talk Professor Canova gave at the Roosevelt Institute’s Future of the Fed event earlier this year. “Canova’s careful understanding of the past, and revival of the remarkable Eccles, is

Professor Canova Makes Multiple Radio Appearances

June 30, 2011 by | Faculty

Professor Tim Canova was invited on to “Background Briefing with Ian Masters” on June 13, 2011. The show discussed the recent statements by Larry Summers warning of a lost decade and calling for more stimulus. Listen to Professor Canova here. Professor Canova returned on June 16 to KPFA in an interview on Living Room with

Professor Canova Discusses Economic Crisis

June 10, 2011 by | Faculty

Professor Tim Canova participated in a Sojourner Truth round table radio discussion on KPFK 90.7 FM, about the economic crisis and its political, national and global implications.  Professor Canova was joined by Tom Hayden and Dr. Gerald Horne.  Listen to the discussion, which was hosted by Margaret Prescod here.

Professor Canova Appeared on C-SPAN

May 9, 2011 by | General News

Professor Tim Canova spoke amongst a panel of national experts on C-SPAN, on the future of the Federal Reserve and its role in shaping the U.S. economy. Watch Professor Canova on C-SPAN discuss the role of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and the potential impact of the new financial regulatory law on economic and

Professor Canova Publishes Op-Ed on Fed Stimulus

February 17, 2011 by | Faculty

The San Francisco Chronicle published an op-ed by Professor Timothy A. Canova entitled, “Obama’s Budget Fix for States Misses the Mark.”   The opinion piece calls for the need of more federal stimulus. “Washington should do far more to compensate states for the damage done to their economies by several decades of federal policy failures,”

LA Times Publishes Professor Redding’s Op-Ed

October 29, 2010 by | Faculty

The Los Angeles Times published and op-ed piece by Professor Richard Redding entitled, “It’s Diverse if You’re Liberal,” which discussed what he called a lack of “intellectual diversity” in the academy. “Conservatives and libertarians are becoming increasingly rare in academia,” said Professor Redding. Read Professor Redding’s opinion piece here. In response, Professor Tim Canova wrote

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