43 posts tagged



Dean Canova Expresses Concerns About Wall Street Legislation

April 23, 2010 by | Faculty

Dean Timothy Canova joined with former Labor Secretary Robert Reich and a collection of former economic regulators and experts in an open letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), outlining concerns about the proposed legislation to address Wall Street’s problems. Get more information on the letter and

Dean Canova Publishes Editorial on Public Transportation

February 2, 2010 by | Faculty

Dean Timothy Canova wrote an editorial in the Pacific Progressive Blog about reviving the economy through investments in public transportation. “The truth is that state and local governments are not primarily to blame for the collapse of financial markets, the weak U.S. economy, and the crisis in public finances. It was the federal government that

Dean Canova Interviewed on Financial Reform

January 25, 2010 by | Faculty

Dean Timothy Canova was interviewed on KPFA-Berkeley’s radio program “The Morning Show” regarding President Barack Obama’s proposals for financial regulatory reforms. Listen to the broadcast (segment starts at 1:09:15) … 

Professor Canova Publishes Article on Fiscal Crisis

October 26, 2009 by | Faculty

Chapman University School of Law Professor Timothy Canova wrote an article published in the Daily Journal, entitled,“History Repeating in California Fiscal Crisis” about the astronomical budget deficit in the State of California.  The article discusses the reoccurring fiscal and budget crises over the past and critiques the ways in which the legislature and Governor address

Professor Canova Publishes Article on Recession

October 17, 2009 by | Faculty

Chapman University School of Law Professor Timothy Canova wrote an article entitled “Financial Market Failure as a Crisis in the Rule of Law: From Market Fundamentalism to a New Keynesian Regulatory Model” for the Harvard Law & Policy Review.  The article examines, “the financial panic of 2008 in historical context by analyzing the institutional and

Professor Canova Debated Financial Meltdown

September 24, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor Timothy Canova joined professors from around the country at a debate at the University of Utah’s S.J. Quinney College of Law. The debate addressed the causes and consequences of the financial meltdown.  Topics were explored through a roundtable discussion. Read more…

Professor Canova Published Article on Banking

September 8, 2009 by | Faculty

Chapman University School of Law Professor Timothy Canova wrote an article for the Brooklyn Law Review, entitled “The Transformation of U.S. Banking and Finance: From Regulated Competition to Free-Market Receivership,” which critiques the deregulation of banking and finance.  The article emphasizes, “the distortions and inconsistencies in the deregulation model, including the resort to bailout of

Dean Canova Quoted in Article on Foreclosure

June 20, 2009 by | Faculty

Dean Tim Canova was quoted in an article in The Final Call entitled, “Banks Recover as Housing Foreclosures Hit Record Highs.” The article comments on banks that are wanting to repay the bailout money so that they can get around the rules and restrictions under the terms of the bailout. “The main motivation for returning

Dean Canova Quoted on Treasury

April 20, 2009 by | Faculty

Associate Dean Timothy Canova was quoted in an article in the  Washington Times, entitled “Treasuries Shaky as Investors’ Sanctuary.” The article discusses the “bubble” that has developed in the market for Treasury debt.  Dean Canova comments that there is not only a bubble developing in US Treasuries, but also in the US dollar.  Canova states,

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