43 posts tagged



Associate Dean Canova Quoted in Article on Financial Giants

March 22, 2009 by | Faculty

Associate Dean Tim Canova was quoted in an article in the San Diego Union Tribune, entitled “Breaking up money-pit behemoths is necessary.” The article argues that the U.S. government should allow financial giants such as AIG to fail rather than attempting to prop them up. Regarding the spate of deregulation and lack of law enforcement

Dean Canova Quoted on Bailout

March 3, 2009 by | Faculty

Associate Dean Tim Canova was quoted in an article in U.S. Bank,  entitled “More Shares Drop.” The article describes the U.S. government’s bailout of financial institutions such as Citigroup and AIG as teetering on nationalization. While some economists are opposed to nationalization, Dean Canova states, “I am skeptical of these arguments of the government’s impotence

Dean Canova Quoted in Article on Economic Bubble

February 24, 2009 by | Faculty

Associate Dean Timothy Canova was quoted in an article entitled, “The Next Economic Bubble To Burst? Take Your Pick.” The article considers trouble spots in the economy that analysts believe may wreak havoc in the future. Regarding Treasury Bonds, Dean Canova states, “The next bubble could be in Treasury’s . . . America remains dependent

Dean Canova Quoted in Article on Recession

February 4, 2009 by | Faculty

Associate Dean Timothy Canova was quoted in an article in U.S. Banker entitled, “U.S. Government Data Needs a Redo.” The article discusses the nation’s economic statistics and makes the case that policymakers and business leaders need better numbers in order to ensure good outcomes in the future. Regarding inflation, Dean Canova says, “There has been

Dean Canova Quoted in Article on Tax

January 21, 2009 by | Faculty

Dean Tim Canova was quoted in an article in Fortune Magazine entitled “Four questions for Tim Geithner: Forget the tax problems. Here is what legislators really need to ask Obama’s choice for Treasury secretary at Wednesday’s hearing.” In the piece, Dean Canova said Geithner needs to show legislators that he is clearly independent of the

Dean Canova Interviewed on Banks

January 7, 2009 by | Faculty

Dean Timothy Canova was interviewed on the national public radio station WAMC, Albany, New York, on the impact of “healthy” banks applying for TARP funds to cover capital needs.

Dean Canova Quoted on the Economy

December 2, 2008 by | Faculty

Associate Dean Timothy Canova was quoted in an article in Kansas City InfoZine entitled, “Change on Economy?” where he stated, “The selections of Larry Summers as chair of the National Economic Council and Timothy Geithner as Treasury Secretary are disappointing. Although President-elect Obama has referred to their ‘sound judgment and fresh thinking,’ when it came

Dean Canova Quoted on Foreclosure

November 12, 2008 by | Faculty

Associate Dean Timothy Canova was quoted in an article in Business Week, entitled “Foreclosures: Washington to the Rescue?” addressing the current financial crisis.  In the piece, Dean Canova stated, “There is a shift under way. Even people who normally would ideologically resist this course are beginning to realize the practical realities.” Read article…

OC Register Prints Dean Canova’s Op-Ed

November 9, 2008 by | Faculty

Associate Dean Timothy Canova authored an op-ed appearing in the Orange County Register entitled, “Reader Rebuttal: free markets.” In his piece, Dean Canova discusses the background leading up to the subprime lending crisis.  He writes that, “…the financial deregulation of the Reagan era foreshadowed many more recent developments, including the hiding of worthless assets through

USA Today Quotes Dean Canova on Economy

November 4, 2008 by | Faculty

Associate Dean Timothy Canova was quoted in an article in USA Today entitled, “Is today’s economic crisis another Great Depression?” in which Dean Canova commented, “Big declines in the stock market reduced people’s wealth and decreased spending.” He further stated, “$700 billion pales in comparison with what the country spent to get the economy out

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