43 posts tagged



Dean Canova Quoted on Land Bank Proposal

April 6, 2008 by | Faculty

Dean Timothy Canova was quoted in a column by Dean Calbreath in the San Diego Union Tribune entitled, “Land bank proposal deserves more funds.” Read story… Excerpts from the piece include: “I hate to say it, but this proposal seems more like public relations than an actual attempt at a solution,” said Timothy A. Canova,

Dean Canova Quoted on Senate Bills

March 14, 2008 by | Faculty

Associate Dean Timothy Canova was quoted in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution in a piece entitled “Shelter from the storm: No bailout, two modest Senate bills offer help to Georgia homeowners facing foreclosure.” Read article… Quotes from this story included: “Foreclosure is like a disease that undermines housing prices, consumer spending, construction jobs, the strength of the

Dean Canova Comments on Federal Reserve

March 4, 2008 by | Faculty

Associate Dean Tim Canova commented on Federal Reserve.  Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke in the article “Hedging Ben” at Forbes.com. Read article… Quotes from this story included: Timothy Canova, an associate dean and economic law professor at Chapman University in California, says Bernanke’s remarks might indicate a level of “frustration” with the administration’s policies. “On

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