60 posts tagged

Constitutional Law


Professor Rotunda Published on Obamacare

December 15, 2011 by | Faculty

Professor Rotunda contributed a piece to the Washington Times entitled, “Kagan must recuse from Obamacare case – Legal ethics guru finds cause to doubt her independence.”  In the article, Professor Rotunda asserts that “The government (after much prodding) has released emails that raise serious questions whether [Justice Kagan] in fact, expressed any opinion regarding the

Professor Eastman Quoted on Pension Plans

November 15, 2011 by | Faculty

The Sacramento Bee quoted Professor John Eastman in an article entitled, “A Roadblock to Pension Reform? Constitutional Clause Could Limit Changes.” In the article, Professor Eastman agreed with Governor Jerry Brown’s constitutional interpretation regarding modifying public pension plans. Professor Eastman told the Bee that public pension plans can be modified if there is “a real

Professor Rosenthal Gives Presentation on Employment Discrimination

September 17, 2011 by | Faculty

Professor Rosenthal presented his work in progress, “Saving Disparate Impact,” at the Sixth Annual Colloquium on Labor and Employment Law, held at Loyola School of Law in Los Angeles. The paper considers the constitutionality of federal employment discrimination law after the Supreme Court’s 2009 decision in Ricci v. DeStefano.

Professor Rotunda Published Article on Citizens United

August 1, 2011 by | Faculty

SSRN recently released Professor Ronald Rotunda’s article, “The Intellectual Forebears of Citizens United,” which appears in Vol. 16 of Nexus Journal, p. 113. Professor Rotunda’s article discusses the effects of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010) on free speech and elections. Read Professor Rotunda’s article on SSRN.

LA Times Quotes Professor Eastman on Clarence Thomas

July 2, 2011 by | Faculty

The Los Angeles Times interviewed Professor John Eastman in an article entitled “Clarence Thomas Doesn’t Mind Being the Odd Man Out.” Professor Eastman, a former Thomas clerk, told the Times, “He looks to how the Constitution was understood at the time of the ratification. He goes to first principles. And he is willing to challenge

Chapman Student Gets Paper Published

May 7, 2011 by | General News

Congratulations to 3L Josh Flynn-Brown whose paper entitled “Constitutional Implications of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Does the Individual Mandate and Penalty Provision Pass Constitutional Muster?” has been accepted for publication by the Center for Judicial Process at Albany Law School.

Professor Rotunda Invited to Symposium on Libya

March 24, 2011 by | Faculty

According to National Review Online, Professor Ronald Rotunda was invited as one of seven experts to weigh in on whether the U.S. involvement in Libya is constitutional, in a NRO Symposium entitled, “We Do Declare: Libya and the United States Constitution.” About President Obama’s role, Professor said,” it is easier to run for president than

Dean Eastman to Speak at Chapman Federalist Society Conference

March 2, 2011 by | Faculty

Former Dean Eastman and former Clinton Acting Solicitor General Walter Dellinger will speak at Chapman Federalist Society national electronic press conference, “The President’s Duty to Enforce”. Former Dean Eastman will discuss the Attorney General’s duty to defend statutes and initiatives with which he disagrees. This topic has recently come under intense scrutiny, following then-California Attorney

Professor Eastman on Fox News

February 1, 2011 by | Faculty

Former Dean John Eastman appeared on the Fox Business News network’s “American’s Nightly Scoreboard,” hosted by David Asman, to discuss the recent federal court ruling out of Florida holding that the national Health Care law adopted by Congress last year was unconstitutional.  The judge’s opinion cites John’s documentary on the commerce clause, published last year

Professor Rosenthal Publishes Article on First Amendment

January 30, 2011 by | Faculty

Professor Rosenthal’s latest article, “First Amendment Investigations and the Inescapable Pragmatism of the Common Law of Free Speech,” has appeared in the Winter 2011 issue of the Indiana Law Journal. It uses the example of a government investigation triggered by the content of a suspect’s constitutionally protected speech, such as an investigation of an individual

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