67 posts tagged



Professor Eastman Quoted on Voter ID Requirements

December 21, 2011 by | Faculty

Professor Eastman was quoted in an article published in the Quay County Sun.  The article says that in a speech at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder decried new laws in South Carolina and Texas that require voters to present a state-issued ID at the polls. Despite concern that removing

Professor Eastman Discussed Judicial Powers on Radio

December 20, 2011 by | Faculty

On December 20, 2011 Professor John Eastman participated in a radio interview on 89.3FM that discussed Newt Gingrich’s views on judicial powers, Gingrich’s views on presidential powers, and whether Gingrich appears to be “pandering to the right.” Listen to what Professor Eastman had to say.

Professor Eastman Quoted on Prop 8

November 17, 2011 by | Faculty

On November 17th, The Washington Times reported that, “the California Supreme Court ruled that sponsors of Proposition 8 and other ballot measures are entitled to defend the initiatives in court when state leaders refuse to do so.” Professor John Eastman, also a chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, said of the ruling, “The notion

Professor Eastman Quoted on Pension Plans

November 15, 2011 by | Faculty

The Sacramento Bee quoted Professor John Eastman in an article entitled, “A Roadblock to Pension Reform? Constitutional Clause Could Limit Changes.” In the article, Professor Eastman agreed with Governor Jerry Brown’s constitutional interpretation regarding modifying public pension plans. Professor Eastman told the Bee that public pension plans can be modified if there is “a real

Professor Eastman Spoke on Panel

July 13, 2011 by | Faculty

Chapman Law Professor John Eastman spoke on a panel of law experts at UCI, which addressed how a conservative-leaning U.S. Supreme Court has frequently come down on the liberal side of several major issues.  Also on the panel were Slate Senior Editor Dahlia Lithwick, the Los Angeles Times’ Supreme Court reporter David Savage, UCI School

LA Times Quotes Professor Eastman on Clarence Thomas

July 2, 2011 by | Faculty

The Los Angeles Times interviewed Professor John Eastman in an article entitled “Clarence Thomas Doesn’t Mind Being the Odd Man Out.” Professor Eastman, a former Thomas clerk, told the Times, “He looks to how the Constitution was understood at the time of the ratification. He goes to first principles. And he is willing to challenge

Professor Eastman Quoted on Supreme Court Politics

June 27, 2011 by | Faculty

Professor John Eastman was interviewed by the Investor’s Business Daily about the political leanings of the U.S. Supreme Court. Professor Eastman noted what he understood to be a lack of leadership of the liberal bloc that could sway other justices. “Neither Justice Kagan nor Justice Sotomayor have commanded the allegiance of Justice Kennedy on critical

Dean Eastman to Speak at Chapman Federalist Society Conference

March 2, 2011 by | Faculty

Former Dean Eastman and former Clinton Acting Solicitor General Walter Dellinger will speak at Chapman Federalist Society national electronic press conference, “The President’s Duty to Enforce”. Former Dean Eastman will discuss the Attorney General’s duty to defend statutes and initiatives with which he disagrees. This topic has recently come under intense scrutiny, following then-California Attorney

NY Times Quotes Professor Eastman

February 26, 2011 by | Faculty

Former Dean John Eastman was quoted in the New York Times about the Justice Department’s decision not to defend the Defense of Marriage Act. In the article, entitled “The President’s Courthouse,” Former Dean Eastman said that although there were indeed occasional cases in which the Justice Department should decline to defend a statute, this one

Professor Eastman on Fox News

February 1, 2011 by | Faculty

Former Dean John Eastman appeared on the Fox Business News network’s “American’s Nightly Scoreboard,” hosted by David Asman, to discuss the recent federal court ruling out of Florida holding that the national Health Care law adopted by Congress last year was unconstitutional.  The judge’s opinion cites John’s documentary on the commerce clause, published last year

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