24 posts tagged



Professor Hall Published in Wall Street Journal

November 19, 2011 by | Faculty

An article published in Asia Times says that in late-November the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) began hearings in its second case against three surviving leaders of the former communist Khmer Rouge regime. The hearings come at a time when the tribunal is also battling allegations of judicial misconduct, violations of victims’

Professor Hall Quoted on ECCC

October 21, 2011 by | Faculty

Voice of America quoted Professor John Hall in an article entitled, “Concern Mounts Over Credibility of the Court.” The article covered the recent resignation from the UN-backed Khmer Rouge tribunal of one of its investigation judges, Siegfried Blunk. Professor Hall explained to Voice of America how he saw the resignation as an opportunity for the

Wall Street Journal Publishes Professor Hall

October 5, 2011 by | Faculty

The Wall Street Journal published Professor John Hall’s opinion piece entitled, “A U.N. Fiasco in Cambodia.” In the article, Professor Hall critically examined the U.N. backed Khmer Rouge Tribunal in Phnom Penh. Addressing compromised local judges and bungling international staff, Professor Hall wrote, “Cambodians scarred by the Khmer Rouge atrocities deserve credible justice.” Read Professor

NY Times Quotes Professor Hall

September 16, 2010 by | Faculty

The New York Times quoted Professor John Hall in an article that highlighted the challenges facing the United Nations-backed court in Cambodia. “Will it overcome its systemic flaws, stave off the heavy-handed political interference of the Cambodian government, maintain adequate funding and donor support, and address the problems that have plagued it so far?” Professor

Wall Street Journal Prints Professor Hall’s Op-Ed

July 26, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor John Hall’s op-ed, entitled “Tribunal Problems Loom,” was published in the Asia edition of The Wall Street Journal. The piece discussed the challenges the next cases will bring after the historic first verdict at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal.“It would be a great disservice if the Duch verdict turns out to be the high watermark

Professor Hall Quoted on Front Page of NY Times

July 25, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor John Hall was quoted in a front page New York Times article about the sentencing of a former prison warden of the Khmer Rouge who was found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Professor Hall commented on the difficulties facing the United Nations backed tribunal in Cambodia. “The court has struggled to

Professor Hall Quoted in Article on Khmer Rouge Tribunal

September 28, 2009 by | Faculty

An article in the Phnom Penh Post, entitled “New book assesses tribunal,” quoted associate Professor John A. Hall, who has developed expertise on the Khmer Rouge tribunal.  Professor Hall finds that the administrative issues, “have risen to such a level that they threaten to damage the legitimacy and viability of the legal process.”  Hall believes

Professor Hall Publishes Op-Ed in Wall Street Journal

May 28, 2009 by | Faculty

Associate Professor John Hall published an op-ed  in Wall Street Journal Asia entitled, “In the Cambodian Judges’ Court.”  The piece discusses the need for the Khmer Rouge Tribunal to address the possibilities of corruption within its own court, in the wake of an alleged kickback scheme wherein Cambodian officials received money in exchange for positions

Professor Hall Quoted in Article on ECCC

May 18, 2009 by | Faculty

Associate Professor John Hall was quoted in an article in Phnom Penh Post, entitled “Doubts cast over veracity of ECCC personnel audits, observers say.”  The article discusses legal action being brought against the Khmer Rouge Tribunal over an alleged kickback scheme. Hall states, “The audits were never intended to detect the type of corruption that

NY Times Quotes Professor Hall

April 9, 2009 by | Faculty

Associate Professor John Hall is quoted extensively in an article in New York Times entitled, “Corruption Allegations Affect Khmer Rouge Trials.” The article discusses how allegations of corruption among the tribunal staff have slowed the international funding that keeps the process moving forward. Professor Hall states, “My greatest fear is that the tribunal will simply fade

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