5 posts tagged



Professor Howe Publishes Article on Death Sentences

August 2, 2011 by | Faculty

Professor Scott Howe’s article, “Can California Save its Death Sentences? Will Californians Save the Expense?” will be published in Vol. 33 of the Cardozo Law Review in 2012. This Article addresses the future of California’s death penalty, asking whether Californians will soon take steps to avoid the expense of trying to save all of the

Professor Howe in Piece on Being an Interim Dean

November 23, 2010 by | Faculty

The Daily Journal profiled Chapman Interim Dean Scott Howe in a piece entitled, “Under New Management.” The article highlighted the lives of a handful of interim deans at California’s top legal schools. “My role is to keep our momentum going,” Interim Dean Howe said. “Chapman is on an incredible upward trajectory.” Read more about Interim

Professor Howe Published Op-Ed on Prison Terms

July 14, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Scott Howe’s Op-ed entitled “Harsh Prison Terms Might Work Better than Painless Executions” was published in the Los Angeles Daily Journal.  The piece discussed the decision of Base v. Rees, in which the Supreme Court upheld Kentucky’s lethal injections procedure.

OC Register Quotes Professor Howe

February 22, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Scott Howe was quoted in an article in the Orange County Register entitled “‘Twelve Angry Men’ is great drama, but is it realistic?.” Read article…  Professor Howe was quoted in this piece as stating: “It’s a great story,” agreed Scott Howe, a professor of criminal law at Chapman University School of Law, who will

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