72 posts tagged

International Law


Professor Bazyler Spoke at Convention on Genocide

January 15, 2011 by | Faculty

Professor Michael Bazyler spoke at the Armenian Bar Association’s Las Vegas Convention this January.  He moderated the discussion of “Legal Remedies, Restitution or Monetary Compensation for the Dispossession of Armenians of pre-Genocide Communal and Private Property in Their Homeland.” Read more about Professor Bazyler’s role in the ArmenBar Conference here.

NY Times Quotes Professor Hall

September 16, 2010 by | Faculty

The New York Times quoted Professor John Hall in an article that highlighted the challenges facing the United Nations-backed court in Cambodia. “Will it overcome its systemic flaws, stave off the heavy-handed political interference of the Cambodian government, maintain adequate funding and donor support, and address the problems that have plagued it so far?” Professor

Wall Street Journal Prints Professor Hall’s Op-Ed

July 26, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor John Hall’s op-ed, entitled “Tribunal Problems Loom,” was published in the Asia edition of The Wall Street Journal. The piece discussed the challenges the next cases will bring after the historic first verdict at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal.“It would be a great disservice if the Duch verdict turns out to be the high watermark

Professor Hall Quoted on Front Page of NY Times

July 25, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor John Hall was quoted in a front page New York Times article about the sentencing of a former prison warden of the Khmer Rouge who was found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Professor Hall commented on the difficulties facing the United Nations backed tribunal in Cambodia. “The court has struggled to

Chapman Students Land Internships in Cambodia

April 25, 2010 by | Student Life

Chapman Law students Katrina Jaffe, a second-year student, and Julie Anne Ines, a first-year student, have been offered summer internships with the Open Society Justice Initiative in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Jaffe will be working primarily on issues relating to the Khmer Rouge tribunal, and Ines will be working on a media rights project. They are

Chapman Law Student Creates Human Rights Documentary

November 29, 2009 by | Student Life

A documentary film co-created by Chapman 2L student Roxana Amini was screened at a special event entitled “Destination Africa,” held at the Dodge School of Film and Media Arts on November 18, 2009. The film was one of three short documentary movies created by film/law/humanities students during a trip to Cameroon in the summer of 2009,

Professor Bogart Elected to ALI

October 28, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor Dan Bogart has been elected to the prestigious American Law Institute (ALI).  He is part of a distinguished group of 68 newly elected members from all over the country. As an ALI member, Professor Bogart will help craft solutions in both existing and emerging global and domestic legal issues. ALI is the leading independent

Professor Hall Write Op-Ed on Restricting Travel of Pedophiles

September 30, 2009 by | Faculty

Associate Professor John A. Hall wrote an op-ed piece in Boston Globe, entitled “Shutting down child sex tourism,” about the importance of restricting overseas travel of American pedophiles.  Professor Hall found that 25 percent of all sex tourists are Americans that often travel to countries where the sexual exploitation of children is rarely enforced.  “We

Professor Hall Quoted in Article on Khmer Rouge Tribunal

September 28, 2009 by | Faculty

An article in the Phnom Penh Post, entitled “New book assesses tribunal,” quoted associate Professor John A. Hall, who has developed expertise on the Khmer Rouge tribunal.  Professor Hall finds that the administrative issues, “have risen to such a level that they threaten to damage the legitimacy and viability of the legal process.”  Hall believes

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