72 posts tagged

International Law


NY Times Quotes Professor Hall

April 9, 2009 by | Faculty

Associate Professor John Hall is quoted extensively in an article in New York Times entitled, “Corruption Allegations Affect Khmer Rouge Trials.” The article discusses how allegations of corruption among the tribunal staff have slowed the international funding that keeps the process moving forward. Professor Hall states, “My greatest fear is that the tribunal will simply fade

Professor Rotunda Quoted on Guantanamo Bay

April 5, 2009 by | Faculty

Visiting Assistant Professor Kyndra Rotunda was quoted in The Collegian, in a piece entitled, “Scholars debate Constitutionality of Gitmo.” The article covered a recent debate at the University of Richmond regarding legal issues of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp. In discussing the Geneva Convention’s protection of Guantanamo detainees Professor Rotunda stated, “Even today, the press

Professor Hall Prints Article on ECCC

March 10, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor John Hall published an article  in the International Herald Tribune Associate, entitled, “Trial on Trial.” The article addresses the latest revelations regarding alleged misconduct and corruption at the Khmer Rouge tribunal. Professor Hall argues, “The recently agreed-upon mechanism to investigate corruption at the ECCC is woefully inadequate and falls far short of being the

Professor Hall Published Op-Ed on ECCC

March 2, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor John Hall published an op-ed in Far Eastern Economic Review, entitled “Judging the Khmer Rouge Tribunal.” The piece discusses the accusations of corruption and political interference that have yet to be addressed by the Extraordinary Chambers in the Court of Cambodia (ECCC) in the genocide tribunal for surviving Khmer Rouge leaders. Professor Hall suggests

Wall Street Journal Publishes Professor Hall’s Op-Ed

February 20, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor John Hall has published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal Europe, entitled “Murders in Russia: The Obama administration may want to remind President Medvedev of his promise to investigate the killings of journalists in his country.” The piece addresses the rising number of journalists murdered and the demise of independent press in Russia.

Professor Bazyler Publishes Article on Japan

January 29, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor Michael Bazyler’s published an article in Asia-Pacific Journal, entitled “Japan Should Follow the International Trend and Face Its History of World War II Forced Labor.” The article discusses the controversy surrounding Japan’s history of World War II forced labor at Aso Mining, Japan’s current Prime Minister.  Aso ran the successor firm to Aso Mining

Professor Falk Interviewed on Radio About Israel

December 20, 2008 by | Faculty

Visiting Professor and UN human rights investigator Richard Falk was interviewed on Radio France Internationale, about his expulsion from Israel. Professor Falk claims that Israel is trying to conceal the effects of its blockade of the Gaza Strip by preventing him from reporting on the situation. Falk was kept at Ben Gurion airport for more

Professor Rotunda Quoted on Guantanamo Bay

December 19, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Kyndra Rotunda was quoted in an article entitled “Relocate Gitmo – to Hyde Park!” in which she addressed the treatment of detainee at Guantanamo Bay. Read the article here. Professor Rotunda was also quoted in several additional articles this month, including: George Mason U. Docket ; Wyoming Lawyer; RegularFolksUnited.com about soldier safety in Guantanamo

Professor Hall Quoted on Cambodia

December 2, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor John Hall was quoted in an article in Asia Times addressing corruption allegations with the Cambodian war crimes tribunal. In the piece, entitled “Genocidal loopholes in Cambodia,” Professor Hall was quoted as saying that “the corruption allegations could ‘fatally’ damage the tribunal if the Cambodian government cannot stamp it out.” Read article…

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