207 posts tagged



Dean Eastman Re-Enacts Historic Case

August 13, 2009 by | Faculty

An article in the Press-Enterprise, entitled “Japanese internment trial rerun for newer generation,” reported on Dean John Eastman and Erwin Chemerinsky’s re-enactment of the oral arguments from the 1944 U.S. Supreme Court Japanese internment case Korematsu v. United States.   According to the article, the deans ultimately “captured the flavor of the debate over the expulsion

Professor Kochan Prints Op-Ed on Gift Cards

August 10, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor Donald Kochan co-wrote an op-ed in the Los Angeles Daily Journal, entitled “Card Sharks.”   The article discusses how some states confiscate remaining balances on unused gift cards under the theories of escheat and abandonment. Kochan stated, “But for state laws to define non-use as abandonment raises serious concerns about the definition of private property,

Professor Eggert Quoted in Article on Mortgages

August 6, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor Kurt Eggert was quoted in an article in St. Petersburg Times entitled, “Government’s hired mortgage servicers have checkered pasts.”  The article discusses how mortgage servicers are in the best position to rework loan terms under President Obama’s Home Affordable Modification Program but they face lawsuits for illegal practices. Eggert said, “There is no question that

LA Times Features Chapman Alumnus

July 24, 2009 by | Alumni

A Los Angeles Times article entitled, “Emmett Ashford made history; will he make Hall of Fame?” featured the late Chapman alumnus Emmett Ashford, who broke the color barrier for major league umpires back in 1965.  His daughter, Adrienne Bratton, with support from Chapman students and Jackie Robinson’s widow, is trying to get him into the

Professor Campbell Gets Media Coverage

July 8, 2009 by | Faculty

Visiting Professor Tom Campbell’s appearance on MSNBC was the subject of an article entitled, “MSNBC fails to ID ‘former California state budget director’ Campbell as former GOP congressman.” The article criticized MSNBC and the anchor for not identifying Campbell as a Republican during his interview on July 8th, although it properly introduced him as a

Professor Eggert Quoted in Article on Mortgages

July 2, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor Kurt Eggert was quoted  in an article entitled, “Mortgage Aid Targeted Most-Delinquent Borrowers First, Leaving Others Waiting.” The article details a survey that found mortgage servicers participating in the Obama administration’s foreclosure prevention program are concentrating on the most delinquent borrowers, largely ignoring eligible borrowers who have not yet gone into default. Eggert stated

OC Register Publishes Professor Rotunda’s Op-Ed

June 30, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor Ronald Rotunda wrote an op-ed in the Orange County Register, entitled “U.S. imports of lawsuits rising.”  The piece discusses the rising incidence of cases from abroad being heard in U.S. courts in an effort to take advantage of a comparatively generous court system.  Rotunda states, “U.S. courts should not accommodate countries, like Nicaragua, that

Professor Kochan Prints Op-Ed on Corporations

June 25, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor Donald Kochan wrote an op-ed  in the Los Angeles Daily Journal, entitled “For Failing Corporations, Christmas Has Come Early This Year.”  The piece debates the ethics of giving handouts to companies that have “been naughty” with a comparison to “Santa Claus is Coming to Town.” Kochan stated, “As we face financial and corporate crises,

Dean Canova Quoted in Article on Foreclosure

June 20, 2009 by | Faculty

Dean Tim Canova was quoted in an article in The Final Call entitled, “Banks Recover as Housing Foreclosures Hit Record Highs.” The article comments on banks that are wanting to repay the bailout money so that they can get around the rules and restrictions under the terms of the bailout. “The main motivation for returning

Dean Eastman Quoted in Op-Ed

June 18, 2009 by | Faculty

Dean John Eastman was quoted in an op-ed in the San Francisco Chronicle entitled, “U.S. could be on hook in Padilla vs. Yoo.” The article discusses a suit filed on behalf of Jose Padilla, a convicted terrorist, against John Yoo, the lawyer and former visiting professor at Chapman who wrote controversial legal opinions that allegedly

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