207 posts tagged



LA Times Features Chapman 1L

September 28, 2008 by | Student Life

First year law student Joe Werner was featured in a Los Angeles Times article entitled, “First-year law student finds it can be trying.”  Dana Parsons interviewed Werner for an inside look at the first-year law student experience.  Regarding the first few weeks of law school, Werner stated, “It’s definitely given me, even in the first

OC Register Quotes Professor Rosenthal on Crime

September 17, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Lawrence Rosenthal was quoted in an Orange County Register article, “Crime Stats for Your Community and What They Mean.” The article discusses the difficulty of interpreting crime rate statistics and the socioeconomic variables which may affect the numbers. I n the article, Professor Rosenthal stated, “The overall US economy is not a good measurement

Professor Rotunda Testified Before Senate

September 16, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Kyndra Rotunda testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Property Rights on September 16, 2008.  At the hearing entitled, “Restoring the Rule of Law,” Professor Rotunda testified about soldier safety at Guantanamo Bay and POW protection for captured soldiers.  Read Professor Rotunda’s Testimony… Professor Kyndra Rotunda’s Senate Judiciary

Wall Street Journal Quotes Professor Rosenthal on Gangs

September 16, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Lawrence Rosenthal was quoted in an article in the Wall Street Journal entitled, “Federal Law Enforcement Helps to Tackle Expanding Gang Problem.”  The article discusses the increase of federal prosecutions of gang members in the greater Los Angeles area as an approach to combat the gang problem in the city.  Professor Rosenthal argues that

NY Times and CNN Quotes Professor Eggert

September 8, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Kurt Eggert was quoted in an article in CNN/Money.com, entitled “What Rescue Means for Mortgage Rates,” discussing the impact of the federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In the article, Professor Eggert expressed skepticism about the long-term effect of the federal bailout, “If I were an investor, I’m not sure this would be

Wall Street Journals Quotes Professor Bell

August 26, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Tom Bell was quoted in an article in the Wall Street Journal entitled “Law School Rankings Reviewed to Deter ‘Gaming.’”  In the article, which discussed a proposed change in the U.S. News survey techniques relating to part time students, Professor Bell noted that if the change had already taken place this year, some schools

Professor Redding Writes Report for Justice Department

August 13, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Richard Redding has written a new report for the Justice Department’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention that concluded that transferring juveniles for trial and sentencing to an adult criminal court has increased recidivism, especially among violent offenders, and has led many young people to a permanent life of crime.  The report was

USA Today Quotes Professor Rotunda

August 5, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Kyndra Rotunda was quoted in an article in USA Today, entitled “First military commission doesn’t end fairness debate,” in which she commented on the fairness of the proceedings. Read article… Professor Rotunda’s comments also appeared in several other media sources on this issue.  See UPI.com; USA Today (follow up); onenewsnow.com; and Washington Post (South

Professor Bell Writes OC Register Blog

August 5, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Tom Bell was invited to write a new blog–Orange County Register “College Life” Blog–that gathers local professors, students, and others to talk about academic issues.  He is the only law school faculty members among the co-bloggers.  His latest post “Practicing Practicing the Law” describes a plan for having his Torts students team up to

Dean Eastman in NY Times Blog

July 30, 2008 by | Faculty

Dean John Eastman participated in a New York Times blog discussion in which four legal experts were asked to take a look at then-Professor Barack Obama’s course materials and offer some insight into what they say about Mr. Obama’s teaching methods, priorities and approach to the Constitution. Read blog…

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