207 posts tagged



OC Register Quotes Professor Rosenthal

July 25, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Larry Rosenthal was quoted in a piece  in the Orange County Register, entitled “Would-be GOP candidate’s campaign questioned.”  The piece addressed the problems with Republican congressional candidate Delecia Holt’s campaign and whether fines or criminal action could be brought for alleged fraud.  Professor Rosenthal stated that the charge would be the felony of filing

Wall Street Journal Publishes Professor Hall’s Op-Ed

July 16, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor John Hall’s op-ed piece entitled “A Tribunal Worth Paying For” appeared in the Asia editions of the Wall Street Journal in his continuing high-impact commentary on the Khmer Rouge Tribunal proceedings.  In the piece, Professor Hall stated, “The U.S. was instrumental in negotiating the creation of this tribunal 10 years ago, and has all

Professor Rotunda Publishes Article on Age

July 7, 2008 by | Faculty

In an article in Legal Times, entitled “Age Has Not Withered Him,” Professor Ronald Rotunda confronted those who have criticized Presidential nominee John McCain based upon his age. Professor Rotunda stated, “The Framers of our Constitution did not believe that age was disqualifying. They gave us judges with lifetime tenure. Hence, we live by the

Professor Bell Quoted on Recession

July 7, 2008 by | Faculty

In an article in Business Week entitled “Regulation Looms for Prediction Markets,” Professor Tom Bell was quoted extensively in a discussion on the regulation of prediction markets.  Professor Bell stated, in part, ” The current aura of uncertainty has stifled innovation …. People have been scared to invest in or play these markets and now

Dean Eastman Quoted in LA Times

June 28, 2008 by | Faculty

Dean John Eastman was quoted in an article in the Los Angeles Times, entitled “Supreme Court Gun ruling leaves questions,” which discussed whether, in the wake of the Supreme Court’s historic ruling this week overturning the Washington DC handgun ban, gun ownership is a “fundamental right” under the Constitution, or something less. Dean Eastman stated,

Professor Rosenthal Quoted on Second Amendment

June 27, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Larry Rosenthal was quoted in an article in Chicago Sun Times, entitled “Daley rips gun ban double standard — Daley warns court decision on gun bans has ‘changed the rules’ for police.” Professor Rosenthal, Chicago’s former deputy corporation counsel, said the decision to overturn Washington, D.C.’s gun law “imperils both flat handgun bans and bans

Alumnus Quoted in Washington Post

June 27, 2008 by | Alumni

Law school alumnus, Mark D. Schopper (’02), was quoted on June 11, 2008 in a Washington Post article entitled “Anti-Child-Porn Tactic Criticized: Thwarting Payments Makes Users Hard to Track, Report Says.” Of note, while in law school, Mark wrote an article for the Chapman Law Review on digital currency that took on a life of

Professor Rotunda Publishes Op-Eds

June 23, 2008 by | Faculty

An op-ed by Professor Kyndra Rotunda, entitled “Don’t Close Gitmo,” was published in the Washington Times.  In the piece, Professor Rotunda stated, “The United States should follow the Geneva Conventions by keeping Gitmo open and holding detainees there until the end of the war.  It isn’t just what the law requires – it is the

OC Register Interviews Professor Eggert

June 21, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Kurt Eggert was interviewed in an extensive Q & A today in a story entitled “Subprime and punishment” in the Orange County Register.  Professor Eggert addressed the indictments of former Bear Stearns hedge fund managers Ralph Cioffi and Matthew Tannin. Read story…

Wall Street Journal Quotes Professor Eggert

June 17, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Kurt Eggert was quoted in the Wall Street Journal in a story entitled “More Loan Forgiveness Sought” about the tax implications of the “loan forgiveness” that comes with foreclosures, short sales and loan modifications for troubled loans.  In the piece, Professor Eggert stated: “A double whammy for many in the current housing market is

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