207 posts tagged



Professor Hall Published in Wall Street Journal

November 19, 2011 by | Faculty

An article published in Asia Times says that in late-November the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) began hearings in its second case against three surviving leaders of the former communist Khmer Rouge regime. The hearings come at a time when the tribunal is also battling allegations of judicial misconduct, violations of victims’

Professor Eastman Quoted on Prop 8

November 17, 2011 by | Faculty

On November 17th, The Washington Times reported that, “the California Supreme Court ruled that sponsors of Proposition 8 and other ballot measures are entitled to defend the initiatives in court when state leaders refuse to do so.” Professor John Eastman, also a chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, said of the ruling, “The notion

Professor Hewitt Published Article on White House Counsel

November 6, 2011 by | Faculty

Professor Hugh Hewitt wrote an article for the Washington Examiner entitled, “The Smell of Cover-Up in the Morning”, which critiques the actions of White House counsel, Kathryn Ruemmler. In his article, Professor Hewitt details the events surrounding Ruemmler’s actions when presented with a subpoena for documents relating to Solyndra, “the now bankrupt solar panel maker

Professor Eggert Quoted in LA Times on Foreclosure

November 2, 2011 by | Faculty

An article in the Los Angeles Times reported that on Tuesday, November 1st, under orders from federal regulators, 14 mortgage servicers began mailing out over 4 million letters to potential victims of wrongful foreclosure practices. Recipients of these letters have the opportunity to submit their case for a free review by independent consultants, and may

Fox News Publishes Professor Rotunda’s Article

October 28, 2011 by | Faculty

Professor Ronald Rotunda contributed an article to Fox News that discusses the constitutionality of the healthcare reform laws passed under the Obama Administration. Professor Rotunda argues that in addition to the widely-discussed constitutional issues with the individual mandate requirement of ObamaCare, “Soon the other shoe is about to drop: another section actually limits the power

Professor Hall Quoted on ECCC

October 21, 2011 by | Faculty

Voice of America quoted Professor John Hall in an article entitled, “Concern Mounts Over Credibility of the Court.” The article covered the recent resignation from the UN-backed Khmer Rouge tribunal of one of its investigation judges, Siegfried Blunk. Professor Hall explained to Voice of America how he saw the resignation as an opportunity for the

OC Register Publishes Piece by Professor Darmer

October 13, 2011 by | Faculty

The Orange County Register published an opinion piece by Professor Katherine Darmer entitled, “Unfair Tactics Used Against FAIR Act.” In the article, Professor Darmer discussed what the FAIR Act (which stands for “Fair, Accurate, Inclusive and Respectful”) promotes, and expressed concerns about widespread misinformation about the bill. Read Professor Darmer’s Op-ed in the O.C. Register.

Professor Hewitt Publishes Piece on Occupy Protestors

October 9, 2011 by | Faculty

The Washington Examiner published Professor Hugh Hewitt’s opinion piece, “Occupy the Democratic Presidential Primaries!” In the article, Professor Hewitt urged someone within the Democratic Party to give the Occupy protestors a candidate to rally behind. Speaking to Occupy protestors would refocus the Party’s energy and get “them off their particular street corner and to the

LA Times Published Dean Campbell’s Op-Ed

September 25, 2011 by | Faculty

The Los Angeles Times published Dean Tom Campbell’s op-ed, “Budget Like It’s 1995,” in which Dean Campbell advised Republicans in Congress to remember the lessons of the Gingrich House and compromise. In the opinion piece, Dean Campbell drew from his own experience in Congress. “Republican leaders in Congress do not want to harm the economic

LA Times Publishes Dean Campbell’s Op-Ed

August 21, 2011 by | Faculty

The Los Angeles Times published an op-ed by Dean Tom Campbell entitled “A federal boost for the jobs market.”  In the piece, Dean Campell proposed, “The government could agree to provide for 50% of a new employee’s salary if an employer adds a job and gives it to someone who’s been out of work six

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