207 posts tagged



Professor Eastman Quoted on Same Sex Marriage

August 12, 2010 by | Faculty

The Seattle Times quoted Former Dean and Donald P. Kennedy Chair John Eastman in an article entitled, “California judge keeps gay weddings on hold – for now.”  Former Dean Eastman discussed the possibility of establishing standing for opponents to same-sex marriage. Regarding whether a higher court would agree with Judge Walker’s assessment of standing, Former

OC Register Published Professor Darmer’s Op-Ed

August 11, 2010 by | Faculty

The Orange County Register published Professor Katherine Darmer’s op-ed piece entitled, “M. Katherine Darmer: GOP candidates and Prop. 8,” examining the stances of Republican candidates Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina. Professor Darmer’s piece is critical of a law that might be based solely on the sentiments of the majority, and concerned about the candidates who

LA Times Quotes Professor Eastman on Prop 8

August 4, 2010 by | Faculty

Former Dean and Donald P. Kennedy Chair in Law John Eastman was quoted in the Los Angeles Times discussing the future of Proposition 8 in the Supreme Court after Wednesday’s ruling. “Walker’s analysis and detailed references to trial evidence were likely to persuade U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, a swing vote in the

OC Register Quotes Professor Darmer on Same Sex Marriage

August 4, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Katharine Darmer was quoted in the Orange County Register in an article entitled “Rally celebrates ‘historic’ ruling” in celebration of the Wednesday’s ruling striking down California’s voter approved ban on same sex marriage. “This is an historic, visionary decision,” Professor Darmer said, as well as a “major stepping stone” to the Supreme Court. Read

Professor Kochan Published in LA Times and Others

August 3, 2010 by | Faculty

Between July 27-August 1, Professor Donald Kochan’s op-ed on luxury and wealth, originally published in the July 26th edition of the LA Times, was reprinted in the several leading regional and local market newspapers. These included the Dallas Morning News (TX) (Aug. 1st Sunday edition), Cleveland Plain-Dealer (OH) (Aug. 1st Sunday edition), Deseret News (UT)

Wall Street Journal Quotes Professor Eastman

July 29, 2010 by | Faculty

The Wall Street Journal quoted Former Dean John Eastman in an article about the recent ruling striking down portions of Arizona’s tough immigration law. “The claim that just simply having your law enforcement enforce federal law is a violation of federal law, that’s just ludicrous,” John Eastman said. Read the article entitled “States Dealt Blow

Wall Street Journal Prints Professor Hall’s Op-Ed

July 26, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor John Hall’s op-ed, entitled “Tribunal Problems Loom,” was published in the Asia edition of The Wall Street Journal. The piece discussed the challenges the next cases will bring after the historic first verdict at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal.“It would be a great disservice if the Duch verdict turns out to be the high watermark

LA Times Prints Professor Kochan’s Op-Ed

July 26, 2010 by | Faculty

On July 26, 2010, the lead op-ed in the Los Angeles Times was written by Professor Donald Kochan, entitled “Luxury Needs No Remedy.” The piece discussed Benjamin Franklin’s views on luxury and wealth as they apply in today’s debates for legal and financial reform. Read Professor Kochan’s op-ed.

Professor Hall Quoted on Front Page of NY Times

July 25, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor John Hall was quoted in a front page New York Times article about the sentencing of a former prison warden of the Khmer Rouge who was found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Professor Hall commented on the difficulties facing the United Nations backed tribunal in Cambodia. “The court has struggled to

Wall Street Journal Quotes Eastman on Immigration

July 7, 2010 by | Faculty

Former Chapman Law Dean and current Professor John Eastman was quoted in a Wall Street Journal article entitled “Backers of Arizona Immigration Law Hope Suit Creates Precedent.” Professor Eastman discussed his hope that the Arizona law will be kept mostly intact. “Federal law doesn’t expressly pre-empt states from passing statutes governing immigrants,” said John Eastman.

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