207 posts tagged



OC Register Features Chapman’s Outlaw Program

May 2, 2010 by | Faculty

Chapman’s Outlaw Program was highlighted in an article in the Orange County Register about graduating families and their accomplishments. Graduating Chapman Law student and pioneer of Outlaw, Tiffany Chang, discussed the support from the campus and the continuation of the club. “I’ve been involved in what I think was a transformation of the law school

Chapman Elder Law Clinic Featured in Article

May 2, 2010 by | Faculty

Chapman’s Elder Law Clinic, directed by Professor Kurt Eggert, was featured in a Daily Journal article entitled “Experience Comes With Age. ”  Helping these people, who really have no other place to turn, is very satisfying” said Chapman Law student Stephen Honda about participating in the clinic. Read the article about the Elder Law Clinic.

Professor Rotunda Publishes Opinion on Citizens United

April 14, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Ronald Rotunda published an opinion article in the Washington Examiner on the First Amendment and the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. “President Obama specifically criticized the Supreme Court justices in his State of the Union address. If he knew what the Government’s lawyers were arguing, he might have a

Article Profiles Professor Campbell’s Campaign for Senate Seat

April 12, 2010 by | Faculty

The Sacramento Bee profiled Professor Tom Campbell and characterized his current campaign for a seat on the Senate as one distinguished by politeness. “‘He’s no put-on, he’s no phony, he’s the real deal,’ said H. Faye Lawson, who worked with Campbell at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, where Campbell was dean.” Read the article…

Professor Rotunda Named Best Lawyer

April 3, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Ronald Rotunda was recently named as one of Southern California’s Best Lawyers in the 2010 edition of Southern California’s Best Lawyers magazine published by the Los Angeles Times, Best Lawyers, and American Lawyer Media. View a version of the PDF…

OC Register Quotes Professor Mainero

April 1, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Mario Mainero, visiting associate professor and former chief of staff for Orange County supervisor John Moorlach, was recently quoted in a column in the Orange County Register regarding funding for Planned Parenthood’s proposed breast health care clinic. Read the article here.

Professor Rotunda Is Top Downloaded Author

March 12, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Kyndra Rotunda has made the SSRN top 10 PSN: Administrative Controls list with 108 downloads of her paper, “A Comparative Historical Analysis of War Time Procedural Protections and Presidential Powers: From the Civil War to the War on Terror.”   The article analyzes and compares procedural rules governing military trials from the American Revolution to

Professor Rosenthal Publishes Article on 14th Amendment

March 9, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Rosenthal has published “The New Originalism Meets the Fourteenth Amendment: Original Public Meaning and the Problem of Incorporation” in the Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues as part of a symposium sponsored by the University of San Diego’s Institute for Constitutional Originalism on the debate over whether the Fourteenth Amendment incorporates the first eight amendments

Professor Eggert Discussed Unfair Mortgage Lending Practices

March 3, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Kurt Eggert discussed unfair mortgage lending practices in an article featured in Southside Pride. “Lenders have an interest in painting themselves as responsible, even caring entities. … They want to cast blame for the sub-prime meltdown and make themselves seem like the victim of borrowers in order to fight off additional regulations.” Read the

Librarian Geitner Publishes Article on First Amendment

February 2, 2010 by | Faculty

Lorin Geitner, Reference Lawyer/Libarian, published an article in Orange County Lawyer Magazine titled “The First Amendment and the Problems of Alienation.”  It surveys the different orientations of law and religion in world history, and set out how the religion clauses in the First Amendment define the relation between the two institutions in our own culture

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