207 posts tagged



Professor Rosenthal Quoted in Article About Securities Fraud

December 15, 2009 by | Faculty

Chapman University School of Law Professor Lawrence Rosenthal was quoted in an article about the securities fraud case against chip-maker Broadcom Corp.  Professor Rosenthal said, “It seems certain that prosecutors will face at least an internal investigation…The very worst case scenario for the prosecutor is he could face witness tampering or obstruction of justice charges,

OC Register Quotes Professor Mainero

December 9, 2009 by | Faculty

Chapman University School of Law Professor Mario Mainero, who is also Chief of Staff to County Supervisor John Moorlach, was recently quoted in an article in the Orange County Register about who should pay to police the OC Harbor.  Supervisor Moorlach organized a group to evaluate concerns and funding issues.  Professor Mainero said, “I think

OC Register Quotes Professor Mainero

October 27, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor Mario Mainero was quoted in an article in the Orange County Register discussing a new city ordinance that is an opposition to project labor agreements.  Professor Mainero, and Chief of Staff to Orange County Supervisor John Moorlach, explained “that several subcontracts in the county might currently include PLAs; this ordinance will not correct those

Professor Canova Publishes Article on Fiscal Crisis

October 26, 2009 by | Faculty

Chapman University School of Law Professor Timothy Canova wrote an article published in the Daily Journal, entitled,“History Repeating in California Fiscal Crisis” about the astronomical budget deficit in the State of California.  The article discusses the reoccurring fiscal and budget crises over the past and critiques the ways in which the legislature and Governor address

Professor Hewitt Publishes Article on New Jersey Gubernatorial Race

October 19, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor Hugh Hewitt wrote an article in San Francisco Examiner, entitled “New Jersey’s choice and the MSM’s,” in which he discusses the new dynamic in the New Jersey Gubernatorial race with the growing recognition of third party candidate, Chris Daggett. In the article Professor Hewitt analyzes Governor Corzine’s campaign tactics and compares the New Jersey race

Professor Campbell Quoted on Prop 8

October 18, 2009 by | Faculty

Visiting Professor and Gubernatorial candidate Tom Campbell was quoted in an article in the San Diego Tribune, entitled “Marriage law unconstitutional, GOP hopeful says.”  In the article, Professor Campbell stated, “This particular bill created greater rights for those couples married out of state after the date of Prop. 8 than same-sex couples within the state,

LA Times Quotes Professor Rosenthal

October 17, 2009 by | Faculty

Chapman University School of Law Professor Lawrence Rosenthal was quoted in an article in the Los Angeles Times entitled, “California gives the poor a new legal right,” relating to the recent law in California that covers the cost of attorneys for poor litigants who are facing eviction, child custody disputes, domestic abuse cases, and/ or

Professor Rotunda Writes Op-Ed on President Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize

October 16, 2009 by | Faculty

Chapman University School of Law Professor Ronald Rotunda wrote an op-ed piece in the Washington Post, entitled “An Unconstitutional Nobel,” which questions the constitutionality of President Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize.  Professor Rotunda argues that it is unconstitutional for the President to accept the award and donate his prize money to charity.  Professor Rotunda believes President

Professor Hewitt Publishes Article on Health Care Legislation

October 13, 2009 by | Faculty

In an article in the San Francisco Examiner entitled “Will 2010 voters recall cloture vote? Not if GOP can help it,” Professor Hugh Hewitt discusses his concerns over the GOP’s inability to explain to voters the seriousness of the Senate’s possible cloture vote on upcoming health care legislation.  A cloture vote places a time limit

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