18 posts tagged

Prop 8


OC Register Quotes Professor Darmer on Same Sex Marriage

August 4, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Katharine Darmer was quoted in the Orange County Register in an article entitled “Rally celebrates ‘historic’ ruling” in celebration of the Wednesday’s ruling striking down California’s voter approved ban on same sex marriage. “This is an historic, visionary decision,” Professor Darmer said, as well as a “major stepping stone” to the Supreme Court. Read

Professor Campbell Quoted on Prop 8

October 18, 2009 by | Faculty

Visiting Professor and Gubernatorial candidate Tom Campbell was quoted in an article in the San Diego Tribune, entitled “Marriage law unconstitutional, GOP hopeful says.”  In the article, Professor Campbell stated, “This particular bill created greater rights for those couples married out of state after the date of Prop. 8 than same-sex couples within the state,

Professor Campbell Interviewed on Recession

July 29, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor Tom Campbell was the subject of a video interview entitled, “Reason.tv: After Arnold: California gubernatorial candidate Tom Campbell on fixing the Golden State and embracing for inflation.” In the interview, Campbell says that the yearlong flurry of stimulus packages and bailouts “built up a tailwind for inflation.” Campbell also discusses his views on marijuana

OC Register Quotes Professor Darmer on Prop 8

May 26, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor Katherine Darmer was quoted in an article in the Orange County Register, entitled “Court upholds ban, affirms existing same-sex vows.” The article discusses the California Supreme Court’s decision to uphold Proposition 8’s ban on gay marriage while allowing the 18,000 gay marriages that already exist to continue, and the challenges that both sides face

OC Register Quotes Professor Darmer on Prop 8

March 13, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor Katherine Darmer was quoted extensively in the Orange County Register, an article entitled, “State’s gay married couples could increase even if Prop. 8 is upheld.” The article discusses the California Supreme Court’s consideration of Proposition 8 and explores whether gays married elsewhere who move to California will have their marriages recognized here. If the

OC Register Features 2L in Article on Prop 8

March 1, 2009 by | Student Life

Second year law student Tiffany Chang was featured in an Orange County Register article entitled, “Gay-marriage issue both scholarly, personal.” The article discusses the impact of Proposition 8 on gay and lesbian couples. Chang said that it is difficult for people to understand what it means to be treated like a second-class citizen until they

Outlaw Sponsors Forum on Prop 8

November 20, 2008 by | Faculty

Chapman Law’s student organization, Outlaw, organized and co-sponsored with the Orange County Equality Coalition (“OCEC”) a forum entitled, “Prop 8 Passed: What Next?” on Monday, November 24.  Jayne Kacer, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs and a faculty sponsor of Outlaw, moderated the event, which included professors, students and members of OCEC who addressed key issues in the

Professor Darmer Quoted on Prop 8

November 7, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Katherine Darmer was quoted in an article in the Sacramento Bee entitled, “Foes of Proposition 8 concede their loss.” In speaking on Proposition 8, Professor Darmer noted that “there is some chance that this litigation (challenging Proposition 8) will succeed. This court has already found that gays and lesbians have equal protection.” Professor Darmer

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