35 posts tagged



Professor Campbell Makes Radio Appearance

September 23, 2009 by | Faculty

Visiting Professor Tom Campbell spoke on 90.3 KPCV to discuss his original interest in politics and education. He explained his ideological views saying that the overriding concept in his political views is the importance of preserving one’s liberty. Read more…

Professor Rotunda Makes Radio Appearance

May 20, 2009 by | Faculty

Visiting Professor Kyndra Rotunda was interviewed on Radio America/WND’s “Dateline Washington” to discuss President Obama’s decision to resume military tribunals for Guantanamo Bay detainees. Rotunda said, “The Obama administration has gone back, looked at the rules, probably looked at some of the evidence against detainees, I would guess, and has basically decided that what the

Professor Rotunda Makes Radio Appearance

April 27, 2009 by | Faculty

Visiting Professor Kyndra Rotunda appeared on the radio show to discuss the CIA’s recent interrogation tactics, the Vigilante Eagle program and the search for domestic terrorists in the ranks of our veterans, and the government’s lack of support for veterans with PTSD and other inflictions.

Dean Eastman on Hugh Hewitt Radio Show

January 29, 2009 by | Faculty

Dean John Eastman appeared on the Hugh Hewitt radio show with UC Irvine Law School Dean Erwin Chimerinsky where the two deans discussed the implications of moving Guantanamo Bay terrorists to jurisdictions within the Ninth Circuit, such as Camp Pendleton. Their discussion is a follow-up to an interview with California Attorney Jerry Brown. Read Article

Professor Rotunda Discusses Guantanamo on Radio

January 26, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor Kyndra Rotunda discussed Guantanamo and other related issues in an interview this week. Mr. Miller called her his “most popular guest” over the last two years. Listen to radio broadcast… Professor Rotunda was also interviewed on G. Gordon Liddy’s radio show. Listen to broadcast…

Dean Canova Interviewed on Banks

January 7, 2009 by | Faculty

Dean Timothy Canova was interviewed on the national public radio station WAMC, Albany, New York, on the impact of “healthy” banks applying for TARP funds to cover capital needs.

Professor Falk Interviewed on Radio About Israel

December 20, 2008 by | Faculty

Visiting Professor and UN human rights investigator Richard Falk was interviewed on Radio France Internationale, about his expulsion from Israel. Professor Falk claims that Israel is trying to conceal the effects of its blockade of the Gaza Strip by preventing him from reporting on the situation. Falk was kept at Ben Gurion airport for more

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