64 posts tagged



Wall Street Journal Publishes Dean Canova’s Op-Ed

October 22, 2008 by | Faculty

Associate Dean Timothy Canova authored an op-ed appearing in the Wall Street Journal entitled, “Massive Stimulus May Be Needed to Stem Crisis.”  In his piece, Dean Canova discussed the similarities between the current financial crisis and the Great Depression and suggests that a grand scale financial stimulus is likely needed to overcome the current financial

Professor Smith Publishes Op-Ed on Housing Bubble

October 21, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Vernon Smith authored an op-ed entitled, “Surviving Until Next Time.”  In his article, Professor Smith discusses the current crash of the U.S. housing bubble and its causes.  However, despite the current crisis, Professor Smith expresses optimism for the future with, “Our brutalized economy will survive the crash – after a scare and some scars.” 

Wall Street Journal Quotes Dean Eastman on FDR

October 15, 2008 by | Faculty

Dean John Eastman was quoted in a Wall Street Journal article entitled, “Legal Path for Intervention Was Blazed in FDR’s Time.”  The article discusses the recent federal intervention in the financial markets and the trend of the court since the FDR administration.  In the article, Dean Eastman makes the argument that the courts should reject

Dean Canova Interviewed on Bailout

October 11, 2008 by | Faculty

Associate Dean Timothy Canova was interviewed for a video piece on The Real News Network entitled, “Worst Week Ever on World Markets.”  In the recent weeks, the world has witnessed a global economic meltdown, including the $700 billion federal bailout.  “Many people with money, smart investors, have to know that $700 billion is not going

Professor Lang Quoted on Bailout

October 7, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Michael Lang was interviewed and quoted by Tax Notes Today in an article entitled, “Changes to Preparer Penalty Standard Won’t Require Scrapping Regs, Practitioners Say.”  The article discusses the Bailout Act’s change to the return preparer penalty standard. “The changes to Section 6694 in the bailout law are the correct approach for Congress,” Professor

Dean Canova Quoted on Foreclosure Bailout

October 7, 2008 by | Faculty

Associate Dean Timothy Canova was quoted in an article in Inter Press Service, entitled “Bailing Out a Boat Full of Holes.”  The article discusses the concern that the recent bailout legislation will not be sufficient to remedy the foreclosure crisis. “The bailout is directed at the top of the pyramid, it doesn’t do much to

Dean Canova Quoted on President Bush’s Recovery Plan

October 5, 2008 by | Faculty

Associate Dean Tim Canova was quoted in an article  in the Denver Post entitled, “How will we know when it’s working?”  The article discusses President Bush’s Troubled Asset Relief Program and asks experts whether they expect to see signs of recovery from the plan. Dean Canova stated, “Without help for the bottom of the pyramid,

NY Times and CNN Quotes Professor Eggert

September 8, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Kurt Eggert was quoted in an article in CNN/Money.com, entitled “What Rescue Means for Mortgage Rates,” discussing the impact of the federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In the article, Professor Eggert expressed skepticism about the long-term effect of the federal bailout, “If I were an investor, I’m not sure this would be

Dean Canova Published Article on Financial Crisis

August 14, 2008 by | Faculty

Dean Timothy Canova published an article, “Legacy of the Clinton Bubble,” in the summer issue of Dissent magazine.  The article, which analyzes how financial deregulation during the Clinton and Bush administrations led to today’s crisis in housing and credit markets, was discussed extensively in the pages of La Jornada, one of Mexico’s leading daily newspapers.

Professor Bell Quoted on Recession

July 7, 2008 by | Faculty

In an article in Business Week entitled “Regulation Looms for Prediction Markets,” Professor Tom Bell was quoted extensively in a discussion on the regulation of prediction markets.  Professor Bell stated, in part, ” The current aura of uncertainty has stifled innovation …. People have been scared to invest in or play these markets and now

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