4 posts tagged



LA Times Publishes Professor Redding’s Op-Ed

October 29, 2010 by | Faculty

The Los Angeles Times published and op-ed piece by Professor Richard Redding entitled, “It’s Diverse if You’re Liberal,” which discussed what he called a lack of “intellectual diversity” in the academy. “Conservatives and libertarians are becoming increasingly rare in academia,” said Professor Redding. Read Professor Redding’s opinion piece here. In response, Professor Tim Canova wrote

Professor Redding’s Book Gets Reviewed

November 30, 2009 by | Faculty

Chapman University School of Law Professor Richard E. Redding’s new book,“The Politically Correct University: Problems, Scope, and Reforms,” was reviewed in a New York Times blog.  Read it here.  

Associate Dean Redding Publishes Book

September 30, 2009 by | Faculty

Associate Dean Richard Redding has published a new book, co-written with Frederick Hess and Robert Maranto, entitled The Politically Correct University Problems, Scope, and Reforms (AEI Press 2009).  “Half a century ago, universities were the institutions characterized by vibrant free inquiry and free speech. Today something close to the opposite is the case. The Politically

Professor Redding Writes Report for Justice Department

August 13, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Richard Redding has written a new report for the Justice Department’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention that concluded that transferring juveniles for trial and sentencing to an adult criminal court has increased recidivism, especially among violent offenders, and has led many young people to a permanent life of crime.  The report was

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