88 posts tagged



Professor Rotunda Quoted on Supremacy of Judicial Review

December 18, 2011 by | Faculty

On December 18th, Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich appeared on CBS’ “Face the Nation” and discussed, at length, his views on how the judiciary relates to the other branches of government. After reviewing the interview, PolitiFact.com decided to analyze the legitimacy of Gringrich’s statement that “The Warren court asserted by itself that the Supreme Court

Professor Rotunda Published on Obamacare

December 15, 2011 by | Faculty

Professor Rotunda contributed a piece to the Washington Times entitled, “Kagan must recuse from Obamacare case – Legal ethics guru finds cause to doubt her independence.”  In the article, Professor Rotunda asserts that “The government (after much prodding) has released emails that raise serious questions whether [Justice Kagan] in fact, expressed any opinion regarding the

Professor Rotunda Quoted in OC Register

November 29, 2011 by | Faculty

According to the Orange County Register, Professor Rotunda, as a member of the Fair Political Practices Commission, and his colleagues will soon decide whether or not to allow the alleged victims of Kinde Durkee, the Democratic treasurer charged with fraud, to “replenish their funds by seeking new donations from contributors who have already donated the maximum

Professor Rotunda Quoted on Immunity for Private Sector Employees

November 22, 2011 by | Faculty

An article in LegalNewsline.com stated that on November 21st, the American Bar Association filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court, “urging it to find that private lawyers representing public agencies are entitled to increased immunity from lawsuits.” Professor Rotunda commented on the complexity of the issue regarding immunity for private sector employees; “So

Professor Rotunda Quoted on FPPC

November 12, 2011 by | Faculty

Professor Rotunda, who is one of five appointed panel members for the state’s Fair Political Practices Commission, has been quoted in the Sacramento Bee for his criticisms of the Commission’s new chairwoman, Ann Ravel. Professor Rotunda said that Ravel is working to “help politicians who don’t like the FFPC regulations.” Furthermore, in response to Ravel’s

Professor Rotunda Publishes Article on Immigration

October 31, 2011 by | Faculty

In an article entitled “Perry Is Right on Immigration,” published in the National Review Online, Professor Ronald Rotunda argues that although Governor Perry has “taken a lot of heat for his opinions on immigration [. . .] he is right about the economics: Immigrants do not steal jobs from citizens.” On the topic of providing

Fox News Publishes Professor Rotunda’s Article

October 28, 2011 by | Faculty

Professor Ronald Rotunda contributed an article to Fox News that discusses the constitutionality of the healthcare reform laws passed under the Obama Administration. Professor Rotunda argues that in addition to the widely-discussed constitutional issues with the individual mandate requirement of ObamaCare, “Soon the other shoe is about to drop: another section actually limits the power

Professor Rotunda Writes Article on Capitalism vs. Socialism

August 12, 2011 by | Faculty

In the Reuters blog The Great Debate, Professor Rotunda joined Chapman economics professors Vernon Smith and Bart Wilson, to explore whether capitalism or socialism is better in the long run. “Capitalism is about voluntary exchange for mutual benefit – risking loss as well as gain,” the article noted. The article, “Are Capitalists Happier?” described a

Professor Rotunda Published Article on Citizens United

August 1, 2011 by | Faculty

SSRN recently released Professor Ronald Rotunda’s article, “The Intellectual Forebears of Citizens United,” which appears in Vol. 16 of Nexus Journal, p. 113. Professor Rotunda’s article discusses the effects of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010) on free speech and elections. Read Professor Rotunda’s article on SSRN.

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