88 posts tagged



Professor Rotunda Publishes Article on Citizens United

June 25, 2011 by | Faculty

The University of Arkansas Law Review has just published Professor Ronald Rotunda’s recent article on Judicial Ethics.  In his article, “Constitutionalizing Judicial Ethics: Judicial Elections after Republican Party v. White, Caperton, and Citizens United,” Professor Rotunda present some interesting empirical studies on judicial elections and campaign financing. Read his article here.

Professor Rotunda Publishes Book on Military Clinics

April 29, 2011 by | Faculty

Professor Kyndra Rotunda has published a new book: Military and Veteran’s Law (West).  Geared to the growing number of military veteran legal clinics and seminar classes, Professor Rotunda’s book is comprehensive and accessible to lawyers and students.  It includes helpful inside tips and sample forms for launching a military clinic, as well as well as

USA Today Quotes Professor Rotunda

April 25, 2011 by | Faculty

USA Today quoted Professor Kyndra Rotunda in a piece about WikiLeaks’ report on the increasing number of “high risk” Guantanamo detainees. “The more we learn, the more that number grows,” Professor Rotunda told USA Today. “A few years ago it was 10%. Then they said 25%. Now it’s a third.” Read the article, entitled, “More

OC Register Quotes Professor Rotunda

April 22, 2011 by | Faculty

The Orange County Register quoted Professor Kyndra Rotunda in an article about marines preparing for the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. “With any regulation or rule in the military, whether or not it’s followed depends on two things. The first is if there’s training up front. The other piece though is going to be

Professor Rotunda Publishes Op-Ed on Female Soldiers

April 8, 2011 by | Faculty

The Chicago Tribune published Professor Kyndra Rotunda’s op-ed, entitled “Stop Encouraging Deployed Female Soldiers to Wear Headscarves,” in which she discussed the U.S. military’s policy of “encouraging” female soldiers deployed to Afghanistan to wear Muslim headscarves. In her op-ed, Professor Rotunda addressed the military’s defense of the policy as merely optional. “Anyone who has been

Professor Rotunda Invited to Symposium on Libya

March 24, 2011 by | Faculty

According to National Review Online, Professor Ronald Rotunda was invited as one of seven experts to weigh in on whether the U.S. involvement in Libya is constitutional, in a NRO Symposium entitled, “We Do Declare: Libya and the United States Constitution.” About President Obama’s role, Professor said,” it is easier to run for president than

Professor Rotunda Publishes Article on Bankruptcy

February 24, 2011 by | Faculty

SSRN released Professor Ronald Rotunda’s latest article, Stern v. Marshall, and the Power of Bankruptcy Courts to Issue Final Orders on All Compulsory Counterclaims. Professor Rotunda’s article, published in the BNA Bankruptcy Law Reporter, examines the serious legal issues surrounding the probate dispute between Anna Nicole Smith (former Playboy Playmate) and E. Pierce Marshall, the

Professor Rotunda Featured in Article as Authority on Constitutional Law

November 11, 2010 by | Faculty

In an article entitled, “Constitutional Law Expert to Examine Judicial Elections,” the University of Arkansas Newswire featured Professor Ronald Rotunda and his visit to the Arkansas School of Law. The piece highlighted Professor Rotunda as “one of the nation’s foremost authorities in the areas of constitutional law and professional responsibility.” Professor Rotunda lectured on judicial

Professor Rotunda Quoted on Recall Votes

October 29, 2010 by | Faculty

The Chicago Tribune quoted Professor Ronald Rotunda in an article entitled, “Illinois Voters to Decide Recall Power,” about the difficulty of getting a recall vote on the ballot. “The hurdles are so high that it’s going to be very difficult to jump over,” said Professor Rotunda. “This may be more frosting on a cake without

Professor Rotunda Publishes Op-Ed on Immigrants

October 25, 2010 by | Faculty

The Panther featured Professor Ronald Rotunda’s op-ed entitled, “Congressional Silence Hurts Immigrants.” The piece discussed his belief that the claim that immigrants steal American jobs is misguided. “One reason is that immigrants create demand for goods and services. Another is that immigrants usually dovetail rather than compete with native employment.” Read Professor Rotunda’s article here.

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