88 posts tagged



Professor Rotunda Publishes Piece on Birthright Citizenship

September 16, 2010 by | Faculty

On September 16, the Chicago Tribune published Professor Ronald Rotunda’s opinion piece entitled, “Birthright Citizenship Benefits the Country.”  Children of illegal aliens “have no control over where they were born,” Professor Rotunda said. “In the past, these children have become assets to our country because they seek the better life just like the rest of

Wall Street Journal Quotes Professor Rotunda

August 5, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Ronald Rotunda was quoted in an article in the Wall Street Journal entitled “Proposition 8 and the Law: Where Do We Go From Here?”   “The Supreme Court has not been unsympathetic to gay rights,” said Professor Rotunda. “But it hasn’t ever told us what the test is. So reasonable judges can go either way.”

Professor Rotunda Wins Best-Dressed

July 2, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Ronald Rotunda won “best-dressed” at the Supreme Court Confirmation hearings in a poll conducted by the Huffington Post. Check out Professor Rotunda in his yellow bow tie and burgundy suit here.

Professor Rotunda Testified at Appointment of Supreme Court Seat

July 1, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Ronald Rotunda testified in the Judiciary Committee on the fourth day of hearings on the appointment of Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supreme Court seat. Professor Rotunda’s testimony focused on what Solicitor General Kagan must do as a Justice to comply with a federal statute (28 USC a Sec. 455(b)(3)) applicable to Justices who

OC Register Prints Professor Rotunda’s Article on Health Law

May 23, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Ronald D. Rotunda published an opinion article in the Orange County Register entitled “What can Congress make you do?” in which he questions the constitutionality of a new national health law that essentially “does not regulate any economic act; instead, it regulates inactivity.” Read about it here.

Professor Rotunda Publishes Piece on JAG

May 19, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Kyndra K. Rotunda published an opinion piece in the Washington Times entitled “Kagan’s anti-military campaign” questioning former Harvard Law School Dean Elena Kagan’s 2005 ban of Judge Advocate General (JAG) officers from recruiting Harvard law students on campus. “Denying JAG officers and willing Harvard law students the opportunity to meet and talk about opportunities

Professor Rotunda Publishes Opinion on Citizens United

April 14, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Ronald Rotunda published an opinion article in the Washington Examiner on the First Amendment and the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. “President Obama specifically criticized the Supreme Court justices in his State of the Union address. If he knew what the Government’s lawyers were arguing, he might have a

Professor Rotunda Named Best Lawyer

April 3, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Ronald Rotunda was recently named as one of Southern California’s Best Lawyers in the 2010 edition of Southern California’s Best Lawyers magazine published by the Los Angeles Times, Best Lawyers, and American Lawyer Media. View a version of the PDF…

Professor Rotunda Is Top Downloaded Author

March 12, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Kyndra Rotunda has made the SSRN top 10 PSN: Administrative Controls list with 108 downloads of her paper, “A Comparative Historical Analysis of War Time Procedural Protections and Presidential Powers: From the Civil War to the War on Terror.”   The article analyzes and compares procedural rules governing military trials from the American Revolution to

Professor Rotunda Publises Op-Ed on Bush Lawyers

March 4, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Ronald Rotunda has published an op-ed in National Review Online, entitled “The Efforts to Disbar Bush Lawyers” where he comments on the Department of Justice’s decision not to prosecute those attorneys responsible for writing the “torture memos.” Read the op-ed…

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