88 posts tagged



OC Register Publishes Professor Rotunda’s Op-Ed

June 30, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor Ronald Rotunda wrote an op-ed in the Orange County Register, entitled “U.S. imports of lawsuits rising.”  The piece discusses the rising incidence of cases from abroad being heard in U.S. courts in an effort to take advantage of a comparatively generous court system.  Rotunda states, “U.S. courts should not accommodate countries, like Nicaragua, that

Professor Rotunda Appointed to CA Fair Political Practices Commission

June 18, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor Ronald Rotunda was the subject of an article published in the Sacramento Bee, entitled “Veteran law professor and ethics expert appointed to FPPC.”  The article announces his appointment to the California Fair Political Practices Commission and lists other accomplishments. “The FPPC is fortunate to have such a distinguished legal scholar join the Commission,” FPPC

Professor Rotunda Mentioned in Article

June 4, 2009 by | Faculty

Visiting Professor Kyndra Rotunda was mentioned in an article in Commentary Magazine entitled, “The Gitmo Myth and the Torture Canard.” The article discusses the actual occurrences of prisoner abuse at Guantanamo Bay in comparison with media portrayal and popular opinion. Read article…

Professor Rotunda Quoted on Guantanamo Bay

June 4, 2009 by | Faculty

Visiting Professor Kyndra Rotunda was quoted in an article entitled, “Obama’s Gitmo plans – the ‘what’ without the ‘how’.”  The article discusses the growing unpopularity of Obama’s plans to close the detention center at Guantanamo Bay and to move accused terrorists to domestic state-side prisons, and the need for a clear plan. “It’s one thing

Professor Rotunda Makes Radio Appearance

May 20, 2009 by | Faculty

Visiting Professor Kyndra Rotunda was interviewed on Radio America/WND’s “Dateline Washington” to discuss President Obama’s decision to resume military tribunals for Guantanamo Bay detainees. Rotunda said, “The Obama administration has gone back, looked at the rules, probably looked at some of the evidence against detainees, I would guess, and has basically decided that what the

Professor Rotunda Publishes Brief with CA Supreme Court

April 27, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor Ronald Rotunda filed an amicus curae brief with the California Supreme Court on behalf of the National Organization of African Americans in Housing (NOAAH), on the ethics of government lawyers collecting contingency fees for cases of public interest.

Professor Rotunda Makes Radio Appearance

April 27, 2009 by | Faculty

Visiting Professor Kyndra Rotunda appeared on the radio show to discuss the CIA’s recent interrogation tactics, the Vigilante Eagle program and the search for domestic terrorists in the ranks of our veterans, and the government’s lack of support for veterans with PTSD and other inflictions.

Professor Rotunda’s Book Gets Quoted

April 23, 2009 by | Faculty

Visiting Assistant Professor Kyndra Rotunda’s book, Honor Bound, was quoted in a piece entitled, “”Soft’ Interrogation Yields Best Results.”  The article discusses how successful interrogators from World War II to the modern day have used rapport and psychology, rather than brutality. See article…

Professor Rotunda Published Op-Ed on Homeland Security

April 23, 2009 by | Faculty

Visiting Assistant Professor Kyndra Rotunda published an op-ed for the Christian Science Monitor entitled, “US soldiers are heroes, not terrorists.”  The piece discusses the Department of Homeland Security’s recent declaration that American soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan are at risk of becoming domestic terrorists.  Professor Rotunda writes, ” The Homeland Security report is conspicuously

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