88 posts tagged



Professor Rotunda Interviewed About Her Book

September 11, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Kyndra Rotunda was interviewed by The Laramie Boomerang about her recent book, “Honor Bound: Inside the Guantanamo Trials,” and the procedures afforded to detainees held in Guantanamo Bay.  In the article. entitled “JAG Offers Insight Into Guantanamo Bay,” Professor Rotunda said, “From my experience, the troops are acting honorably, and they are upholding the

USA Today Interviews Professor Rotunda

August 7, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Kyndra Rotunda was interviewed by USA Today, about the conviction of Salim Hamdan in Guantanamo Bay before a military commission.  In the article entitled, “Split Hamdan Decision Illustrates Cases’ Difficulty,” Professor Rotunda explains that the rules established for the tribunals by Congress are the reason why it may be difficult to prove conspiracy charges.

USA Today Quotes Professor Rotunda

August 5, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Kyndra Rotunda was quoted in an article in USA Today, entitled “First military commission doesn’t end fairness debate,” in which she commented on the fairness of the proceedings. Read article… Professor Rotunda’s comments also appeared in several other media sources on this issue.  See UPI.com; USA Today (follow up); onenewsnow.com; and Washington Post (South

Professor Rotunda Publishes Article on Age

July 7, 2008 by | Faculty

In an article in Legal Times, entitled “Age Has Not Withered Him,” Professor Ronald Rotunda confronted those who have criticized Presidential nominee John McCain based upon his age. Professor Rotunda stated, “The Framers of our Constitution did not believe that age was disqualifying. They gave us judges with lifetime tenure. Hence, we live by the

Professor Rotunda Publishes Op-Eds

June 23, 2008 by | Faculty

An op-ed by Professor Kyndra Rotunda, entitled “Don’t Close Gitmo,” was published in the Washington Times.  In the piece, Professor Rotunda stated, “The United States should follow the Geneva Conventions by keeping Gitmo open and holding detainees there until the end of the war.  It isn’t just what the law requires – it is the

Professor Rotunda Quoted on Fox News

June 23, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Kyndra Rotunda was quoted on the Brit Hume “Political Grapevine” segment of Fox News where Hume mentioned her objection to the recent Supreme Court decision, Boumediene, saying that the former Army prosecutor agrees with Justice Scalia that the Supreme Court’s ruling will lead to more American deaths on the battlefield. Watch segment…

Professor Rotunda to Join Chapman Law Faculty

May 3, 2008 by | General News

On May 21, 2008, Chapman University announced that Professor Ronald Rotunda, one of the most influential law professors in the country (Legal Ethics and Constitutional Law), will be joining the Chapman Law faculty as a Professor of Law, together with his wife, Kyndra Rotundra, an expert on military law (and former GITMO prosecutor), who will

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