The Leatherby Libraries works to serve all Chapman students in any way they need. With our promise to do so, the library offers many resources for students with disabilities. These resources include:

  • Multiple entrances for easy access. The east and west side entrances have wheelchair ramps and automatic opening doors. 
  • Three elevators in the building: two in the lobby area, and a third down the hall (on the first floor, this elevator is located by the ILL window)
  • All restrooms are wheelchair accessible 
  • A majority of work spaces are wheelchair accessible 
  • Assistive Technology Alcove located east of the stairwell on the second floor
  • Computers in our Assistive Technology Alcove, have Kurzweil 1000 software to aid anyone with visual impairments by speaking text out loud. In addition to this, Merlin electronic magnifiers are offered for students. 

As always, the reference staff and librarians serve to answer any questions or provide aid for students. Aid from our staff goes beyond answering questions. The reference staff is here for students that need help retrieving books or using any of our printers, photocopiers, or scanners. 

Students can always call with questions or concerns: 

Circulation Desk: (714) 532-7723

Reference Desk: (714) 532-7714

If for any reason a student would like to report an accessibility concern, this can be done at: