As a mixed woman, I have always made it a priority to learn about the amazing Black women in history who have paved the way for my success. Unfortunately, a lot of Black history wasn’t implemented in my education growing up, and my parents had to teach me. One of the ways I learned about my ancestors was through reading. Whether it be a picture book, memoir, or novel, I learned stories of phenomenal Black women. These stories still inspire me today.

In honor of Black History month, I created a display highlighting African American women’s history! The books on display not only focus on leading Black women and their successes but also include books written by them, such as Angela Davis.

It is so important to learn from others and their perspectives. February is a great month to devote more time to learning and honoring Black history. The books on display are important to me as they represent a bit of me and my culture. I hope you enjoy them as well!

Please feel free to check out the display while walking through the first floor on the way to class or after a study session!