Guest post by Health Sciences Librarian Ivan Portillo.

At the end of May, the National Library of Medicine (NLM) officially replaced the old PubMed interface with a newly re-designed version. PubMed is the popular abstract database that contains more than 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. What does the recent update mean for you?

Some of the changes between legacy PubMed and the new PubMed include:

  • Ability to cite references quickly in your preferred citation style format (AMA, APA, NLM, or MLA)
  • Option to share references via social media or a permalink
  • A seamless search experience on your mobile device
  • Search results sorted by best match by default as opposed to the most recent articles

Most of the search features you used in the legacy version of PubMed are found in the newer version (e.g., MeSH headings, advanced search building, single citation matcher, etc.), but are now built into their single search bar or on the home page of the website. The National Library of Medicine has promised to receive user feedback in order to improve the functions and look of the new PubMed.

For a tutorial on the recent changes in PubMed, Ivan Portillo, Health Sciences Librarian, has a created a video covering the new PubMed. To view the video, please visit: