The Library Research & Data Services team was delighted to launch Chapman Figshare as part of the Love Data Week celebrations. Chapman Figshare is a new open-access data repository where members of the Chapman Community can publish and access data.

We congratulate our Library Research and Data Services (LRDS) team for a successful Love Data Week that garnered attention for data repositories on the Chapman campus and worldwide! Their superb efforts were even recognized by the official Figshare LinkedIn page and one of the top managers at Figshare.

The LRDS team from left to right: Elaine Yeung (Sciences Librarian), Kristin Laughtin-Dunker (Chair of Resources and Scholarly Communications), Ivan Portillo (Director of Rinker Campus Library Services), Andrew Greenman (Data Services Librarian), Doug Dechow (Assistant Dean for Library Research & Data Services), David Carson (Health Sciences Librarian), and Taylor Greene (Chair of Research and Instructional Services)

Keeping Datasets Secure

Chapman researchers can use Chapman Figshare to make their research datasets citable, shareable, and discoverable, ultimately increasing the exposure of their positive and negative results. Files will be stored in a cloud-based infrastructure to offer researchers a secure space to store their large datasets safely. This is increasingly important as many publishers require researchers to keep their data.

Increasing Data’s Reach by Making it Citable

All datasets submitted to Chapman Figshare will receive a discoverable digital object identifier (DOI) that acts as a permanent link to the research output. Additionally, data uploaded to Chapman Figshare is marked for indexing in Google Scholar and Google Dataset Search, allowing it to be found on these platforms by researchers outside of Chapman University and increasing the data’s reach. Chapman Figshare tracks usage statistics, including views, downloads, citations, and Altmetrics, allowing Chapman scholars to view the reach of their data.

Depositing Your Data to Chaman Figshare

Our team has compiled key information to show how to use Chapman Figshare across the Chapman community to make the results of their data available to others. Research submitted to Chapman Figshare must be associated with Chapman University and have documentation to allow it to be understandable and reused. The Leatherby Libraries has data curators who will review submissions to ensure that the data’s format, size, subject matter, and suitability fit Chapman Figshare’s standards before publication.

For questions about dataset submissions, visit our Chapman Figshare Data Repository LibGuide for more information or contact the Leatherby Libraries Data Services (LRDS) team at