The Leatherby Libraries is thrilled to announce the 2024 winners of the first-ever Eric M. Scandrett Graduate Research Prize. For the inaugural year of this award, we received applications across various fields, including film and media studies, leadership development, communication sciences and disorders, and pharmaceutical sciences. Our winners were honored at the Leatherby Libraries’ student award ceremony on Thursday, May 9, 2024, where they met the prize’s benefactor, Eric Scandrett, for the first time.

From Left to Right: Faculty Mentor Dr. Lawrence (LB) Brown, Faculty Mentor Dr. Leah Beekman, 2nd Place Winner Olajide Adekunle, 1st Place Winner Lauren Fillet, 3rd Place Winner Livia Lozoya, 2nd Place Winner Daniel Umoru, 2nd Place Winner Adeola Bakar, Assistant Dean of Library DEI Initiatives & Development Essraa Nawar, the prize’s Benefactor Eric Scandrett, and the Chair of Research and Instructional Services at the Leatherby Libraries Taylor Greene.

First Place: Lauren Fillet

Lauren is a student in the Masters of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders program who won first place for her paper:

Pictured: Lauren Fillet

Modification of Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adolescents with Language Disorder

“I’d like to sincerely thank the judges for honoring me with the Scandrett Graduate Library Research Prize. As a young researcher, I am incredibly grateful and thrilled to be granted the opportunity to have my work recognized and receive the generous monetary award I will use to finance my graduate tuition. Furthermore, I am so touched that my research project was chosen for this opportunity, as increasing the accessibility of mental health services for those with communication disorders is one of my deepest passions. I am inspired to continue my work and am grateful for the support of Chapman University as I pursue this project that I find to be so meaningful.” – Lauren Fillet.

Second Place: Daniel Umoru, Adeola Bakare, and Olajide Adekunle

Daniel, Adeola, and Olajide are doctoral students in the School of Pharmacy who won this award for their paper:

Physician Visits for Patients with Diabetes by Gender, Age and Race in the United States

Pictured: Daniel Umoru

“Winning 2nd place for the Eric M. Scandrett Graduate Library Research Prize is a tremendous accomplishment for me and my team, reflecting our dedication and expertise in the field of Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy. This prestigious recognition signifies more than just a validation of our work; it marks a milestone in my Ph.D. journey at the Chapman University School of Pharmacy, showcasing the impact and importance of our research. I am particularly grateful for the guidance and support of my Principal Investigator, Dr. Lawrence (LB) Brown, PhD. His expertise and mentorship have been crucial in shaping my approach and enhancing the quality of our research.” – Daniel Umoru.


Pictured: Adeola Baka

“Winning second place in the Eric M. Scandrett Graduate Library Research Prize contest represents a significant personal and professional achievement for me and my team. It validates our commitment to academic excellence and the pursuit of knowledge. This accolade further elevates my confidence, encouraging me to continue exploring and contributing to the academic community. I acknowledge the outstanding resources the Chapman Leatherby Libraries provided, the guidance of Dr. Lawrence (LB) Brown, my co-authors’ collaborative work, and the supportive framework offered by Chapman University.” – Adeola Bakare.

Pictured: Olajide Adekunle


“It is a great honor to win 2nd place in the 2024 Eric M. Scandrett Graduate Library Research Prize contest. The accomplishment showcases our passion for conducting data-driven research and highlights the value of using library resources to conduct comprehensive research in Pharmaceutical Sciences. This outstanding award inspires the continued promotion of scientific curiosity and critical thinking that spur ethical and innovative research. It contributes to and enriches scientific evidence to implement strategies that improve population health.” – Olajide Adekunle.

Third Place: Livia Lozoya

Pictured: Livia Lozoya

Livia is a student in the Masters of Arts in Film and Media Studies program who won third place for her paper:

From Film Sets to Front Lines and Back Again: Reinventing Star Image in Post-World War II Hollywood

“I am incredibly grateful to Eric M. Scandrett and the judging panel for their recognition of my work and for choosing me as one of the winners of this inaugural prize. Winning this award means a great deal to me as it has given me confidence in my research and writing capabilities and has allowed my work to serve as an example of the importance of historical research and the continued relevance of primary sources.” – Livia Lozoya.

Honorable Mention: Andrew Peña

Pictured: Andrew Peña

Andrew is a student in the Masters in Leadership Development program who received an honorable mention for his paper:

The Experiences of Latinx Faculty, Staff, and Students at a Predominantly White Institution Aspiring to Become a Hispanic-Serving Institution

“I’m thrilled to have received an Honorable Mention in the 2024 Eric M. Scandrett Graduate Library Research Prize contest! My project, “The Experiences of Latinx Faculty, Staff, and Students at a Predominantly White Institution Aspiring to Become a Hispanic-Serving Institution,” highlights the ongoing disparities these populations face at institutions and how we must continue supporting them through various efforts. The role of library resources in my graduate research was essential in the culmination of my research project. Thank you to everyone who supported this work, and I hope to continue using my research as a platform to uplift underrepresented communities!” – Andrew Peña

About the Prize:

The Eric M. Scandrett Graduate Research Prize promotes and acknowledges excellent research and practical usage of library resources by Chapman graduate students. Eric Scandrett, the benefactor of this inaugural prize, has been deeply integrated into the fabric of Chapman University for years. As a former employee of Chapman University, Eric has made significant contributions to the campus through his involvement with Sodexo catering services, Town and Gown, and as a legacy donor for the libraries. We sincerely thank Eric for contributing to the establishment of this research prize and his continued support of our graduate students.

The selection committee included the following faculty members and librarians:

  • Dr. Lilian Were Senger
    • Professor, Program Director for the Faculty of Food Science, Schmid College of Science and Technology
  • Lauren McDaniel
    • Coordinator of Special Collections at the Leatherby Libraries
  • Ana Munandar
    • Reference Librarian at the Leatherby Libraries
  • Essraa Nawar
    • Assistant Dean for Library DEI Initiatives and Development at the Leatherby Libraries
  • Taylor Greene
    • Chair of Research and Instructional Services at the Leatherby Libraries

Thank you to all who applied to the 2024 Eric M. Scandrett Graduate Research Prize and the faculty and librarians who gave their time and effort to select the winning applicants.