Following the successful launch of Chapman Figshare during Love Data Week, the Leatherby Libraries is excited to invite more members of the Chapman community to take full advantage of the new research data repository. Whether you have datasets, media files, or other research outputs, Chapman Figshare makes your data citable, shareable, and discoverable.

The Leatherby Libraries offers two open-access repositories, Chapman Figshare and Chapman University Digital Commons, to support Chapman scholars and researchers in sharing and preserving their research outputs. Both platforms cater to distinct aspects of the research lifecycle due to differences in the research outputs they accommodate. Datasets can be uploaded to Chapman Figshare, while Chapman University Digital Commons houses all other research outputs such as articles, theses, posters, and more. Check out our previous blog to learn whether your work best fits in Chapman Figshare or Chapman University Digital Commons. 

Why Choose Chapman Figshare?

Data is increasingly valuable in today’s research landscape as it increases the reliability and replicability of research findings. Chapman Figshare provides a secure and efficient platform to archive and publish your research data, ensuring it reaches a broader audience. Here’s why you should consider depositing your data in Chapman Figshare:

  1. Increased Visibility and Reach: Every dataset submitted to Chapman Figshare receives a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), providing a permanent link to your research. All data is indexed by DataCite, Clarivate’s Data Citation Index, Google, and Dimensions, which improves data discoverability on dataset search platforms such as Google Scholar, Web of Science, Mendeley Data, Datacite Commons, and OpenAIRE Explore.
  2. Secure and Compliant Storage: Chapman Figshare’s cloud-based infrastructure ensures that your data is stored safely and securely, meeting the requirements of many publishers and funding agencies.
  3. Comprehensive Usage Tracking: With detailed usage statistics, including views, downloads, citations, and Altmetrics, you can easily track how often your research is accessed and utilized globally.

How to Deposit Your Data

Ready to make your research data citable, shareable, and discoverable? Here’s how to get started:

  1. Use Your Chapman Account to Sign In: Log in to Chapman Figshare using your Chapman credentials.
  2. Provide Documentation: Write documentation to make your data understandable and reusable.
  3. Submit Your Files: Once you have created documentation explaining your data, you can upload your document and data files to Chapman Figshare.
  4. Submission Review: Our data curators will review your submission to ensure it meets Chapman Figshare’s format, size, and subject matter standards.

Join the Growing Chapman Figshare Community

Take advantage of the opportunity to enhance the visibility and impact of your research! Join the growing number of Chapman community members already benefiting from Chapman Figshare. By depositing your data, you contribute to a collaborative, transparent research platform that benefits scholars worldwide.

For detailed instructions on using Chapman Figshare, visit our Digital Repositories at Chapman University LibGuide or contact the LRDS team at Make your research count with Chapman Figshare!