In this week’s installment of the “My Librarian’s Favorite Resource(s)” series, we’re chatting with our Sociology Librarian, who, in addition to serving as the liaison librarian for Sociology, covers a wide range of minors as well, all focused on different aspects of Sociology and studying different populations.

Our Sociology Librarian writes, “As the Sociology subject librarian, I serve the students of the Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. I update subject guides, visit classes to provide library instruction, and help students learn how to use library resources. It is interesting to hear the wide range of research topics that students choose for their assignments. In addition to Sociology, there are several subcategories for which I also provide assistance: Africana Studies, Anthropology, Asian Studies, Latin American Studies, LGBTQ Studies, Native American Studies, and Women’s Studies.

See below for resources that are helpful for any of these subjects:

SAGE Knowledge provides full-text access to subject-specific encyclopedias and reference books and is a great source to find background information on any topic. These eBooks can be searched or browsed by chapter or subject. Just be sure to filter the results by “content available to me” to only view eBooks that have full-text access.

Logo for Smithsonian Open Access. Top half of image has the Smithsonian sunburst logo and the word "Smithsonian" in white text on a dark gray background. The bottom half has the text "Smithsonian Open Access Create. Imagine. Discover." in black text on white background.Smithsonian Open Access is an online platform that allows you to download and use millions of 2D and 3D copyright-free Smithsonian images for free. These images can be used for reports, presentations, or even websites without obtaining permission.”