The Leatherby Libraries is delighted to offer our first-ever workshop introducing the Chapman research community to our newest data repository, Chapman Figshare!

On Tuesday, April 30, from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m., our Data Services Librarian, Andrew Greenman, will host Introduction to Chapman Figshare. This virtual workshop will show attendees how Chapman Figshare can be utilized to publish and access data.

Chapman Figshare is the home for research data and accompanying code and documentation, helping meet publisher and funder data-sharing requirements and Open Science goals. In this context, “research data” means the intermediary products of research, not just numbers and instrument results. Chapman Figshare can also help you share images, videos, text files, and many other forms of data!

If you are interested in attending this event, RSVP here. The workshop is virtual; participants will receive an event URL upon registering.

For more information about Chapman Figshare, see our blog announcement or check out the Chapman Figshare Data Repository LibGuide for additional resources.

For any questions about this workshop, please contact Data Services Librarian Andrew Greenman at