27 posts categorized in

Center for American War Letters


Liberation Heroes The Last Eyewitnesses, a documentary

June 6, 2019 by | Exhibits and Displays

Recently Chapman University’s and the Leatherby Libraries Center for American War Letters Archives contributed some materials to a documentary that in conjunction with June Beallor Productions and the USC Shoah Foundation. The documentary, entitled “Liberation Heroes: The Last Eyewitnesses,” aired May 1 on the Discovery Channel. This is a documentary about the liberation of concentration

Orange County Archives in Action A Showcase of Orange County’s Cultural Heritage

October 25, 2018 by | Events

This year, the Leatherby Libraries at Chapman University is hosting the Orange County Archives in Action where the Libraries, along with other institutions, will exhibit their collections, share stories, and answer questions about Orange County history. This countywide, daylong event will also include several presentations from community members dedicated to preserving and increasing awareness and access

“Voices from the Archive: Letters During War” Podcast Letters from the Center for American War Letters Archive find an even bigger audience

August 7, 2017 by | Center for American War Letters

Dr. Jana Remy, Associate Director of Digital Scholarship at Chapman University, began the “Making History” podcast ten years ago when she realized her passion for the craft of history-making. Specifically the archival process of historians. Now, partnering with the Center for American War Letters Archive (CAWL), Jana and our very own Digital Humanities and Science Librarian, Dr. Doug

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