137 posts categorized in



Literary PUB(lishing) CRAWL

April 4, 2017 by | Events

Hear about how five writers came to do what they do. These writers offer advice about developing a career as a writer, words that are often, in turns, encouraging, philosophical, and sensible. Tuesday, April 11, 2017 • 3:00 p.m. Bush Conference Center, Beckman 404 Writers: Michael Connelly is the author of twenty-nine novels and one

Music at the Malloy Guitar performances in the library by students of Professor Jeff Cogan

November 28, 2016 by | Events

Guests from the Chapman community joined together Friday afternoon for a relaxing lunchtime concert in the Malloy Performance Portico of the Leatherby Libraries. The concert featured performances by eight talented guitar students of Professor Jeff Cogan, Director of Guitar Studies and Music Technology at the Hall-Musco Conservatory of Music. The student-organized concert starred classical guitar

“All of Our Colors” Exhibit Open to Public

October 18, 2016 by | Exhibits and Displays

The Leatherby Libraries Hall of Art welcomes a featured student exhibit each semester from the Chapman University campus. This fall, student artist Gabi Abrahamson is showcasing her thought-provoking work to the community through her exhibit, “All of Our Colors.” The exhibit includes strings of paper dolls that were displayed earlier this year, as well as

Leatherby Libraries Homecoming Weekend: A Success!

October 6, 2016 by | Events

Reflecting on Chapman’s Homecoming Weekend 2016, the Leatherby Libraries would like to thank everyone that visited Chapman University and all who attended our many events. The Leatherby Libraries was well-represented this year with several compelling talks and entertaining celebrations. Take a look below at what we hosted this year: At a special luncheon for the 50

The Craft of Library Instruction: Using Acting Techniques to Create Your Teaching Presence Librarians Julie Artman and Douglas Dechow lead an ALA instruction Seminar

September 28, 2016 by | Events

“Library instruction is like a theatre performance. You play a role as the instruction librarian. There is a live audience. You may receive reviews or evaluations. Or maybe the teaching experience feels more like an audition—a bit unnerving.” Earlier this month, Leatherby Libraries librarians and authors

Leatherby Libraries Welcomes Students with Full Week of Activities New Display, Student Services Fair, Orientation Tours and Welcome Table

September 6, 2016 by | Exhibits and Displays

The end of August marked the beginning of the fall semester, and along with students moving in and preparing for classes, it also marked a week of exciting activities hosted by the Leatherby Libraries . Candlelight Ceremony The Leatherby Libraries hosted the Class of 1966 (50-Year Club) for a reception prior to

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