137 posts categorized in



Community of Readers Celebrates Its Success with A Final Party

August 22, 2016 by | Events

The Leatherby Libraries Community of Readers joined together this past Friday for a fun afternoon of lunch, books and prizes. Held in the Center for American War Letters reading room, the Community of Readers shared what they’ve been reading this summer along with recommending new titles. The second monthly drawing was held at this

Marketing and Building Your Brand Connecting authors to the Publishing World

July 18, 2016 by | Events

Thanks to the generosity of Kevin Staniec ’01 Founder and Executive Director of the 1888 Center, the Leatherby Libraries co-hosted Marketing: Building Your Brand event as part of the 1888 Center’s Summer Writing Project. The panel that was moderated by Jon-Barrett Ingels covered how to connect with an author’s community using effective media tools and developing meaningful

Community of Readers Read-a-thon was a success!

July 18, 2016 by | Events

The Leatherby Libraries Community of Readers  joined together this past Thursday for a relaxing afternoon of reading and sharing books. From 12 – 1 p.m. the Community of Readers held a brown bag lunch. Community members brought food, held an apple tasting and shared what they’ve been reading this summer. The first monthly drawing was

Exhibit Celebrates the Color and Vivacity of Female Mariachis

June 28, 2016 by | Exhibits and Displays

On Sunday, May 29, 2016, the Chapman community not only praised the festivities of the Musco World Cafe, “The Heartbeat of Mexico,” it also symbolized the opening of a brand new exhibit in the Leatherby Libraries. Located on the first and second floors of the library,  ¡Viva el Mariachi Femenil!   is presented by the Mariachi Women’s Foundation and depicts the history

Leatherby Libraries Staff Summit a Success!

June 16, 2016 by | Events

Reflecting on Staff Summit Week 2016 , the Leatherby Libraries would like to thank all staff who attended our successful events! The Leatherby Libraries was well-represented this year with several compelling talks and entertaining celebrations. Congrats to Brett Fisher, Chair of the Library Systems & Technology Division Librarian, who took third place in the Wellness

Read books & win prizes with Leatherby Libraries’ “Community of Readers” Faculty, staff, students and alumni earn prizes for each book read

May 31, 2016 by | News

Planning to do any beach reading this summer? Think you’ll use the downtime to catch up on classic novels – or even graphic novels? Join the Community of Readers and earn prizes as you read! The Leatherby Libraries has hosted Community of Readers for ten years now. The program is open to anyone with a Leatherby Libraries

Latest library exhibit celebrates the 10th anniversary of Arabic Studies at Chapman Exhibit highlights Arabic resources and fabled Egyptian actor Omar Sharif

April 6, 2016 by | Exhibits and Displays

The Leatherby Libraries has partnered with the Arabic Studies cluster at Chapman University to create an exhibit highlighting the actor Omar Sharif. Omar Sharif was a celebrated Egyptian actor who passed away last year, remembered for his roles in Lawrence of Arabia, Doctor Zhivago, and Funny Girl . In his life time, Sharif was

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