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Enter to win this year’s Kevin and Tam Ross Leatherby Libraries Undergraduate Research Prize Cash prizes awarded to students who make good use of library resources in their research

February 15, 2016 by | News

Are you hard at work on your thesis or spending long hours in the lab? Here’s one way you could get recognized for your many hours of study – enter to win the annual Leatherby Libraries Undergraduate Research Prize. The Kevin and Tam Ross Undergraduate Research Prize recognizes excellent research and effective use of library resources

Leatherby Libraries Homecoming Weekend a Success!

October 9, 2015 by | News

Reflecting on Chapman’s Homecoming Weekend 2015, the Leatherby Libraries would like to thank all who attended our wonderful events and the families that visited Chapman University! The Leatherby Libraries was well-represented this year with several compelling talks and entertaining celebrations. Friday If you were unable to attend the library’s Friday lectures, we

Digital Commons soars into its second year

September 21, 2015 by | Resources

Chapman University Digital Commons celebrated its first anniversary on August 13th, and the number of visitors and downloads it has received continue to climb as it enters its second year.  In its first year of operation, the 8,500+ articles, chapters, images, and other files in Digital Commons received over 70,000 page views and over 25,000 downloads!

A Fresh Start for the New School Year at the Leatherby Libraries

September 8, 2015 by | News

Welcome back, Panthers! And congratulations to all the new Chapman University students of the 2015-2016 school year. Incoming freshmen will find that the Leatherby Libraries has hundreds of different services and types of aid we offer to all our students. For those wanting to learn more about Chapman University’s prestigious library, we will be hosting

Community of Readers is now on Goodreads!

July 6, 2015 by | Resources

Calling all participants in the Community of Readers program! Community of Readers now has a presence Goodreads – a social media platform designed for readers and book recommendations. Goodreads can help you track what you’re reading, find books you’ll love, and share your book reviews with friends. If you’re new to Goodreads and are interested in learning

FINALS WEEK extended library hours begin Sunday, May 10

May 11, 2015 by | News

The end of the semester is fast approaching—and the Leatherby Libraries is springing into gear for finals week. We are continuing our tradition of being open 24-hours during the last two weeks of the semester. From Sunday, May 10, 2015 through Friday, May 22, 2015, library facilities will stay awake with students as you finish projects

Campus Pride Month at the Leatherby Libraries

April 15, 2015 by | Exhibits and Displays

April is Campus Pride Month, and here at the Leatherby Libraries we are showing our pride! National Pride Month takes place in June, but since most colleges and universities are done for the school year by June, April was selected specifically for Campus Pride Month. The goal of Campus Pride Month is to show support

What’s that Sound? Music at the Malloy!

April 8, 2015 by | News

Last month, at noon on Friday, March 13, the harmonious sounds of nylon strings resounded through the Leatherby Libraries, signaling the re-launch of the Music at the Malloy concert series. The concert featured performances by seven talented guitar students of Professor Jeff Cogan, Director of Guitar Studies and Music Technology at the Hall-Musco

Upgrades Make it Easier to Book a Library Study Room

March 17, 2015 by | Resources

Whether you’re working on group projects or cramming together for a final exam, the Leatherby Libraries group study rooms can be an excellent resource. Starting in Spring 2015, they will be even more helpful. Chapman University users will login to the room booking system with their Chapman username and password instead of registering for room booking accounts.

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