212 posts categorized in



New Materials for April

April 2, 2019 by Reference Desk | Exhibits and Displays

Why do “cute” products sell more in Japan and China than their competitors? Gain insight on this phenomenon by reading Cuteness engineering, which includes an interview with Hello Kitty designer Yuko Yamaguchi. Are you a fan of Van Gogh and Rembrandt? We have miniature books of with full color images of their some of their

The Leatherby Libraries Supports Chapman’s Graduate and Professional Students Appreciation Week April 1 - April 5, 2019

March 20, 2019 by | Exhibits and Displays

Did you know that nearly 25% of Chapman’s student body is graduate and professional students? Between the Orange and Rinker campuses, Chapman offers 70 different graduate and professional programs and degrees, covering everything from a Master of Science in Accounting to a Master of Arts in War and Society, along with many others. With such

New Materials for March

March 5, 2019 by Reference Desk | Exhibits and Displays

Spend these last cold days of winter curled up with novel written by a popular author, such as Someday by David Levithan or Norse mythology by Neil Gaiman. March is Women’s History Month. Read up on women in leadership roles in Women’s leadership journeys. Zombies and the apocalypse seem to be a recurring theme in

Streaming Video Subscriptions – Kanopy

February 20, 2019 by | Resources

The Leatherby Libraries has licensed several databases that provide streaming video, including Kanopy. Kanopy employs a demand-driven model whereby we normally grant access to the entire catalog of films, but only pay for high-usage content. This high-usage content, once acquired, makes these films available for one year. Because of Kanopy’s popularity, our current funding model

New Study Carrels in the Rinker Campus Study Commons

February 14, 2019 by | Resources

When people think of the Leatherby Libraries, they typically think only of the building on the Orange campus. But did you know that Leatherby Libraries services extend to the Rinker campus as well? Over at Rinker, Health Sciences Librarian Ivan Portillo provides services for students in the Communication Sciences, PA Studies, Physical Therapy, and Pharmaceutical

New Materials for February

February 5, 2019 by Reference Desk | Exhibits and Displays

Happy February! Celebrate Valentine’s Day by expanding your knowledge of some of the different types of love: It was once illegal to marry someone of a different race. Learn about the couple who took their case to the Supreme Court and succeeded in ending all state laws which banned interracial marriage in The case for Loving.

Library Open During Interterm Welcome to 2019, Panthers!

January 7, 2019 by | Resources

The Leatherby Libraries is pleased to welcome all members of the Chapman community back for the interterm course session. Hopefully, this winter break has rejuvenated and re-energized everyone. Getting back to the swing of things, the library is open and ready to help you with all your studying needs. During interterm, we will be running

New Materials for January

January 3, 2019 by Reference Desk | Exhibits and Displays

Happy New Year! Whether you are on break or taking an Interterm class, stop by the library to see what’s new. January is National Hobby Month. Learn a new skill by picking up Progressive drumming essentials. Interested in comics? Read up on some little known creators with Your brain on Latino comics. Always wanted to

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