Leatherby Libraries Extends Hours for Finals

May 7, 2014 by | Resources

Recognizing the upcoming finals week, the Leatherby Libraries will be open 24 hours a day the last two weeks of the semester. From Sunday, May 11, 2014 through Friday May 23, 2014, library facilities will stay awake with students as you finish projects and prepare for final exams. During the late night hours, the following services


New Student Assistant's Experience With Leatherby Libraries

April 4, 2014 by | Community

Before starting my position as a student assistant here at the Leatherby Libraries, I was obsessively and frequently searching the Chapman job portal for any on-campus jobs that had openings. I have had the good fortune to have a position so local to housing my freshman year, and I enjoy my work days as well!


Eighth Annual Leatherby Libraries Book Sale

April 4, 2014 by | Events

The Leatherby Libraries 8th Annual Book Sale is right around the corner (April 10-11, 2014). Please stop by and look through hundreds of books on a variety of subjects—from anthropology to zoology—that will be sold at $1 each. This is a great opportunity to supplement your personal collections while supporting your library. Proceeds from the

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