Dean Jordan announces CUSP Student Pharmacists eligible to apply for Intern Pharmacist Licenses!
August 5, 2015
Chapman University School of Pharmacy is preparing to serve our communities! Our students will assist organizations administering vaccinations, including flu shots, this fall.
The California Board of Pharmacy has recognized Chapman University School of Pharmacy (CUSP) and authorized CUSP student pharmacists to be eligible to apply for Intern Pharmacist Licenses and train for immunization certification when the inaugural pharmacy program begins this fall. The license will allow CUSP Pharm.D. students to begin working in many pharmacy environments as paid, part-time interns.
“These experiences will allow student pharmacists to learn more about day to day pharmacy practice,” says Dr. Lawrence “L.B.” Brown, Associate Dean of Student Affairs. “Our students can apply what they have learned in the classroom to real patients.”
Student pharmacists must participate in over 300 hours of Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences and over 1400 hours of Advance Pharmacy Practice Experience on their way to becoming board certified Pharmacists. Since 2009, all 50 states expanded the role of pharmacists to allow the administration of vaccines.
Dean Ron Jordan represented the school before the California Board of Pharmacy on July 27 when the authorization was granted.
“This is an important recognition for the school and the seventy students of our inaugural class,” says the dean. “Chapman School of Pharmacy is committed to creating practice-ready graduates who are well-equipped to serve as vital members of team-based patient care.”
“Here at CUSP, our mission includes providing service to improve health. We are grateful for the opportunity to begin this work and increase community awareness of the expert training and knowledge of pharmacists that can improve lives.”