24 posts categorized in



BPS Paper of the Year Awarded to Dr. Sharma

January 17, 2025 by | Uncategorized

The Department of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (BPS) has awarded Dr. Ajay Sharma the 2024 BPS Paper of the Year Award. Dr. Sharma’s recognition is based on his publication, “Diabetes-Associated Hyperglycemia Causes Rapid-Onset Ocular Surface Damage.” The paper was published in ARVO’s Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science Journal, which has an impact factor of 5.0 and

Chapman University School of Pharmacy and Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science Partner to Expand Pharmacy Degree Pathways

January 16, 2025 by | Uncategorized

Chapman University School of Pharmacy (CUSP) and Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science (CDU) are proud to jointly announce a new partnership which will provide new pathways for CDU students to pursue graduate pharmacy degrees. Students who complete CDU’s Biomedical Sciences Program will benefit from guaranteed application interviews for CUSP’s Doctor of Pharmacy

On the CUSP: February 2024

March 4, 2024 by | Uncategorized

Grants Dr. Keykavous Parang was awarded $3,420 for “Antibacterial Evaluation of Compounds Against Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis)” from Generdent, LLC, for a year-long trial. Awards and Recognitions Dr. Ajay Sharma has been invited to deliver a talk at a symposium on Ocular Graft versus Host Disease being held on March 8-9th at the School of

On the CUSP: June 2023

July 10, 2023 by | Pharmacy School

Awards and Recognitions: Dr. Lawrence Brown was awarded the University of Pacific Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy Alumni of the Year Award. He will be recognized on September 9th at the UOP White Coat Ceremony. Grants: Dr. Rennolds Ostrom and his collaborators were awarded a new R01 grant from the National Heart, Lung, and

Remembering Savanah Tran

November 25, 2022 by | Pharmacy School

Only three weeks before her graduation, Chapman University School of Pharmacy lost a bright, hardworking, kind student. Savanah Tran is remembered fondly by her family, partner, friends, and pharmily as the “epitome of beauty, grace, selflessness, and above all strength”*. She was an asset to the pharmacies she served during her IPPEs and APPEs, and

Chapman Sweeps Major Awards at CSHP 2022 Seminar

November 15, 2022 by | Pharmacy

Chapman Pharmacy continued to break records this last weekend at the 2022 California Society of Health-System Pharmacists Seminar. Most notably, CUSP won all three major award categories against 15 schools of pharmacy in California- A feat never yet done in CSHP’s competitive history! Quiz Bowl Led by student captain Chelsea Pan, 10 students competed in

CUSP Student Organizations support the AAPI Community

March 30, 2021 by | Support CUSP

Since the beginning of the pandemic until today, there have been over 3,795 reported cases of hate incidents tracked by “Stop AAPI Hate.” Similar to the support of the Black Lives Matter movement, where CUSP student organizations (CSHP, ACCP, AMCP, APhA, CHAPSA, KY, PDC, VAPSA) raised and donated $28,237 to Black Lives Matter Global Network

2020-22 CUSP-Amgen Fellow Dr. Nazgol Emami

September 8, 2020 by | Uncategorized

Dr. Nazgol Emami is the 2020-2022 CUSP-Amgen Fellow with a focus on Oncology Medical Affairs. With a strong passion for pursuing a career in the pharmaceutical industry that developed before pharmacy school, she is committed to being at the forefront of therapeutic developments that will improve patient outcomes. The CUSP-Amgen fellowship program provides the most

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