Chapman Sweeps Major Awards at CSHP 2022 Seminar
November 15, 2022
Chapman Pharmacy continued to break records this last weekend at the 2022 California Society of Health-System Pharmacists Seminar. Most notably, CUSP won all three major award categories against 15 schools of pharmacy in California- A feat never yet done in CSHP’s competitive history!
Quiz Bowl
Led by student captain Chelsea Pan, 10 students competed in multiple rounds of questions germane to therapeutical and pharmaceutical studies. Students Megan Shieh, Beshoy Saad, Debbie Nguyen, Alan Nguyen, Mason Myers, Mirna Mikhail, Rachel Lee, Annie Kim, Nikki Derleth, and Chelsea Pan triumphed in all categories discussed, including topics of cardiology, infectious diseases, COVID-19, psychiatry, and special populations. CSHP did not release a public-facing summary of this competition for 2022, but its 2021 outline can be found here.
Pictured above: The ten competing CUSP students, alongside advisor Dr. Jerika Lam, hold the Quiz Bowl trophy.
Pictured below: The ten competing CUSP students hold the trophy in front of a projector screen announcement.
Clinical Skills
Mary Elkomos and Mason Myers reigned as the champion team following their Clinical Skills presentation. The pair presented their case on LGBTQ+ and sexual healthcare needs with precision and expertise. CSHP does not release a public-facing summary of this competition, but a similar guideline can be found here.
Mason and Mary will be competing at the national ASHP Midyear conference on December 3rd, 2022 in Las Vegas.
Pictured above: Mary Elkomos and Mason Myers.
Pictured below: Mason Myers and Mary Elkomos begin their award-winning clinical skills presentation.
Music Video Competition
Two more CSHP records were broken when the student body won the CSHP Music Video Competition for the third year in a row, beating both the amount of times a school has won consecutively and the amount of times a school has won the competition cumulatively. Chapman Pharmacy has previously won the Music Video Competition in 2018, 2020, and 2021.
Many students, faculty, and staff participated in the video influenced by the creative vision of director and producer Inna Tagarino, with special help from students Helen Vu, Sunwoo Oh, Elyn Lam, Josh Yun, Megan Shieh, Tali Faggiano, Nadeen Naguib, Amara Ahmed, Tiffany Thomas, and Kaitlyn Trinh.
Pictured above: Seven pharmacy students proudly hold the Music Video Competition trophy, holding up a “four” with their hands in reference to the record-breaking wins.
Below: Award-winning “Pharmacy is on the Rise” video. Be prepared to adjust the volume.